Thoracic Surgery


The Thoracic Surgery Department at the University Hospital of Bellvitge is a senior department that provides healthcare to the population in the Southern Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, with a quota of 1,800,000 inhabitants.

It is formed by specialists who provide surgical treatment for thoracic diseases (thoracic wall, lung, pleura, mediastinum), and neck diseases (thyroid glands and thymus, trachea), and diseases of the frontal regions. It also offers emergency surgical assistance in the A&E Department to patients from the assigned Area.

Relevant aspects

procediments_cirurgia toràcica_hub
Procediment Normalitzat de Treball


  • Instrumental examinations:

Diagnostic and therapeutic thoracoscopy


Mediastinotomy Daniel’s pre-scalene parasternal biopsy

  • Neck Surgery on:

Trachea Thyroid Glands (procedure to be performed exclusively at HUB)

  • Thoracic wall surgery:

Pectus excavatum / carinatum Costoclavicular syndrome (resection of the 1st rib)

Wall and diaphragm tumors Vertebral pathology (in collaboration with NCR, COT)

  • Pleura Surgery:

Pneumothorax Pleural effusion / empyema

Metastasis Mesothelioma (minor diagnostic/therapeutic procedure)

  • Lung Surgery:

Oncology Surgery Advanced Oncology

Surgery Lung Cancer Pulmonary Metastasis

Pleural TBC Surgery General Lung Surgery

  • Mediastinum Surgery:

Inflammation / infection Tumors Thymectomy due to Myasthenia gravis

  • Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery:

Endoscopic Lung Biopsy (V.A.T.S.)

Robotic Surgery Upper Thoracic Sympathicolysis Endoscopic

Thymectomy Intra-Thoracic Nodule excision Pericardiectomy

  • Thoracic Trauma:

Sternal, costal osteosynthesis Emergency surgery and surgery for complications in the critically ill

  • Minimally Invasive Surgery in:

Major Pulmonary Resection Solitary Pulmonary Nodule Pulmonary

Emphysema: reduction in volume.

  • Pulmonary Emphysema: reduction in volume


Lines of research

  • During the 2012-18 period, the Thoracic Surgery department was a sponsor or collaborator in 15 lines of research related to lung cancer. Most of the projects were funded:
  • Biological effect of acute hyperthermia on the peritoneal serous of hyperthermic serum-induced rats. NECPAL CCOMS-ICO© project.
  • Expression of molecular markers involved in pulmonary development as an indicator of lymph node damage in non-small-cell lung carcinoma.
  • Assessment of the anti-cancer effect of new chemical compounds for the treatment of lung cancer.
  • Anion transporters as efficient pH deregulator molecules for lung cancer treatment: A preclinical and translational trial.
  • Preclinical and translational trial on new anti-cancer agents derived from tambjamines for the treatment of lung cancer in humans.
  • Development of the Orthopaedic Murino Model to Identify New Therapeutic Targeting in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma.
  • Immunomodular effect of the Ω6/ Ω3 ratio in rats. Study of bacterial growth as a factor inducing lung cancer oncogenesis.
  • Systematic intraoperative staging of lymph node chains through the detection of sentinel lymph nodes, in non-small-cell lung carcinoma.
  • Diagnosis of pulmonary nodules by confocal endomicroscopy in screening programs for lung cancer.
  • Identification and Functional Classification of New Therapeutic Targeting in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma.
  • Study of bacterial growth as a factor inducing lung cancer oncogenesis.
  • Clinical evolution of patients with ressecated pulmonary neoplasm depending on the systemic and tumoral nutritional and inflammatory state.
  • Thoracic wall osteosynthesis.
  • Multi-centric study of clinical results. SECT Working Group.


Degree education

Medicine degree:

2nd Year: Anatomy of Organs and Systems

Ricard Ramos Izquierdo. Assistant Professor

Ivan Macia Vidueira. Associate Professor

4th Year: Respiratory System Diseases

Joan Moya Amoros.Tenured Professor

Ignacio Escobar Campuzano. Associate Professor

Nursing Degree - Human Anatomy

Dr Francisco Rivas Doyague. Associate Professor.

Master's degrees and accredited courses

Specialist Healthcare Training (Postgraduate)

5-year Training Programme in the Thoracic Surgery speciality:

PhD programme "Medicine and Translational Research". Advanced training in anatomical dissection: advanced studies of the human body. University of Barcelona.

Master’s Degree in Biomedicine. University of Barcelona.

No hay resultados


Main Building at Bellvitge University Hospital

c/ Feixa Llarga, sn.

08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona

Floor 16-1

Telephone number 93 260 77 00


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