The Radiodiagnosis Department has the newest, most advanced techniques and sections are organised in an organ-system structure. The radiologists work in close collaboration with the technicians and nurses tperform high-quality examinations and offer the patient the best care.
The involvement of the radiologisists in the Functional Units and Committees must alsbe underlined, playing an active role in the decision-making process as experts, fostering the multi-disciplinary management of patients, and collaborating in the development of personalised medicine. The tumor ablation techniques and vascular intervention procedures performed in radiology are perfectly integrated intthe other medical, surgical and radiotherapy treatments. There is excellent coordination with the management and administration team toptimise resources and provide a better response tpatients. Twcharacteristics of the department must be highlighted: precision radiology, which is essential for the success of complex surgeries, a hallmark of the Hospital, and the significant of interventional diagnosis and therapy in every-day activity.
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Clinical Director
Director of the Hepatobiliopancreatic Radiology Assistance Program
Head of Nursing Area
Specialist Doctors
Aspectes rellevants

- Interventional radiology of the digestive system, thorax, musculoskeletal system and urological system.
- Cryoablation, microwave and radiofrequency tumor ablation (digestive system - liver, kidney, breast, thorax, and musculoskeletal system).
- Comprehensive management of interstitial pulmonary diseases integrated intthe Interstitium Unit. Pre-surgical location with radio-tracking of pulmonary lesions.
- Cardiac MRI and CT. MRI arthro.
- Tumor perfusion by CT and MRI.
- Diagnosis and monitoring of inflammatory, septic and neoplastic osteoarticular disorders.
- CT perfusion study on musculoskeletal system.
- Whole-body MRI in rheumatological disorders.
- Multi-parameter study in inflammatory joint disorders.
- Early diagnosis of breast disorders, with access tall diagnostic and interventional techniques and full integration of hospital and outpatient medicine.
- Breast MRI.
- Diagnostic and therapeutic fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the breast.
- Pre-surgical location with hookwire and radio-tracking in collaboration with nuclear medicine.
- Interventional angioradiology: transjugular liver biopsy, treatment of malignant and benign bile duct disease, TIPS, treatment of vascular malformations with special emphasis on pulmonary embolisations in Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia, therapeutic and pre-surgical embolisations, revascularisations, and 24-hour emergency care.
- Donor and recipient study in the transplantation of solid organs. Monitoring and treatment of complications.
- MRI with liver-specific contrast.
- Percutaneous treatment of pancreatic necrosis as an alternative tsurgery.
- Stroke Code.
- Comprehensive management of multi-trauma patients.
- Treatments with butulinum toxin in pre-surgical conditioning of the abdominal wall.
- Interventional neuroradiology: endovascular stroke treatment 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- Endovascular treatment of aneurysms, malformations and fistula.
- Comprehensive clinical and intervenational management of neurovascular diseases with urgent, scheduled, consultation and hospitalisation care.
- MRI Neuronavigation.
- Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty
Lines of research
- MRI spectroscopy in the diagnosis of brain tumors.
- Functional MRI and tractography in the pre-surgical planning of brain tumors.
- MRI in the monitoring of treated brain tumors (early post-surgical MRI, early pre-radiotherapy MRI, immediate post-radiotherapy MRI).
- Activation collaboration in continued research with the Biochemical and Molecular Biology Department at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (BBM-UAB), in the context of the Research Group recognised by the Generalitat de Catalunya 2017 SGR 56.
- Joint collaboration with the research group coordinated by Antoni Rodriguez Fornells from the University of Barcelona (UB) Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL).
- Pain treatment.
- Radial vascular accesses.
- Mechanical thrombectomy for strokes.
- Treatment of vasospasms in subarachnoid hamorrhage.
- Prostate MRI. Liver-specific contrasts.
- Histological validation with interventional immunotherapy techniques in disseminated melanoma.
- Assessment of the response tdrugs in breast lesions.
- Management of histological high-risk (B3) lesions with MRI and fine-needle aspiration biopsy.
- Pre-chemotherapy lymph node marking in patients with positive lymph nodes for post-chemotherapy sentinel lymph node study.
- Non-palpable lesion marking with magnetic markers.
- Treatment of breast tumors with radiofrequency.
- Percutaneous excision with fine-needle aspiration biopsy for benign and lesions of uncertain malignant potential with therapeutic intent.
- Diagnosis and treatment with cryoablation of bone and soft tissue tumors. Inflammatory spondyloarthropathies.
- Bone tumor perfusion CT study.
- Multi-parameter MRI in the assessment of bone and soft tissue sarcomas: pre-surgical, post-neoadjuvant and post-surgical.
- Pulmonary fibrosis in MPO-positive patients.
- Telomere Shortening in familial pulmonary fibrosis.
- Study of chemotherapy-associated pulmonary toxicity.
Main Publications
- Rheumatic diseases of the spine: imaging diagnosis. Narváez JA, Hernández-Gañán J, Isern J, Sánchez-Fernández JJ. Radiologia. 2016 Apr;58 Suppl 1:35-49. doi: 10.1016/j.rx.2016.01.002. Epub 2016 Feb 20.
- Majós C, Cos M, Castañer S, Pons A, Gil M, Fernández-Coello A, Macià M, Bruna J, Aguilera C. Pre-radiotherapy MR imaging: a prospective pilot study of the usefulness of performing an MR examination shortly before radiation therapy in patients with glioblastoma. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2016; 37: 2224-2230.
- Naval P, Pons A, Cos M, Huete M, Majós C, Aguilera C. Invasive sinonasal lesions: from the nasal fossa and paranasal sinuses to the endocranium. Curr Probl in Radiol 2017;47:168-178.
- Radiofrequency Ablation Followed by Surgical Excision versus Lumpectomy for Early Stage Breast Cancer: A Randomized Phase II Clinical Trial. Amparo García-Tejedor, MD, PhD • Anna Guma, MD • Teresa Soler, MD, PhD • Alazne Valdivieso, MD • Anna Petit, MD • Nayanar Contreras, MD • César G. Chappuis, MD • Catalina Falo, MD, PhD • Sonia Pernas, MD, PhD • Ariel Amselem, MD • Maria J. Plà, MD, PhD • Eulalia Fernández-Montolí, MD, PhD • Fernando Burdío, MD, PhD • Jordi Ponce, MD, PhD. Radiology 2018; 00:1–7 • https://doi.org/10.1148/radiol.2018180235
- Mora P, Pons A, Cos M, Camins A, Muntané A, Aguilera C, Arús C, Majós C. 1H-MRS in posterior fossa tumors: The tumor spectroscopic signatura may improve discrimination between hemangioblastoma, ependymoma and medulloblastoma in adults. European Radiology, accepted in press.
Degree Education
- Graduate education for 3rd year Medicine students of the Bellvitge Teaching Unit in Radiology and Physical Medicine. Post-graduate education with Radiodiagnosis residents and those from other specialities.
- Organisation and teaching of radiology readings and cases in a breast cancer screening programme.
- Organisation and Teaching of the Training Course for the accreditation of professional techniques on the Population Breast Cancer Screening programme.
- Internal and external accreditation of the IES (Health Studies Institute) tofficially act as a tutor for Radiodiagnosis residents. Accredited training centre in Interventional neuroradiology.
Master's degrees and accredited courses
- Teaching in the official master’s degree of the University of Barcelona on advanced medical skills in the multi-disciplinary gynaecology, breast oncology and pathology speciality. Teaching in the official master’s degree of the University of Barcelona on diagnostic imaging in rhematological diseases.
Main Building at Bellvitge University Hospital
c/ Feixa Llarga, sn.
08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona
Floor 0
Telephone number 93 260 75 36
Duran i Reynals Building
Av. de la Gran Via, 199
08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona
Floor 0 | Floor 2 (Main Building)
Telephone number 93 260 75 36