Infectious Diseases


The Infectious Diseases Unit was established at the end of 1976 as part of the Medicine Department, and has been an independent medical department since 1991.

Its main goals are: to provide quality care to patients with complex community and nosocomial infections; to provide specialist support to the other departments; to help control hospital infection and the rational use of antibiotics; to provide degree and post-graduate education, and to conduct research projects on infectious diseases.

More information: HIV and STD unit at the University

Relevant aspects

procediments_malalties infeccioses_hub
Icona Procediment Normalitzat de Treball

Most noteworthy procedures

  • Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis.
  • Multi-drug-resistant HIV infection.
  • Prosthetic valve endocarditis and other intravascular prosthetic infections.
  • Prosthetic joint infections.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of emergent viral infections.
  • Treatment of systematic infections from emergent fungi.
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Main Building at Bellvitge University Hospital

c/ Feixa Llarga, sn.

08907 Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona

Floor 12

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