The Preventive Medicine Department is a multi-disciplinary area involved in healthcare, education, and methodological and epidemiological support.
Our activity includes:
Smoking Cessation Unit: We offer multi-component, individualised treatment and continued monitoring to our population, along with promotional and educational work related to health.
International Health Unit: We offer personalised advice on vaccines, prophylaxis for malaria, and preventive measures. Accredited by the Foreign Health Department.
Head of Service
Head of Nursing Area
Specialist Doctors
Nurse Manager
Senior Docent
Relevant aspects

International Health Unit
- A centre of reference for the Southern Metropolitan Region.
- Accredited by the Ministry of Health and Social Policies to administer the yellow fever vaccine (5 units in Catalonia).
- Collaboration with the University of Cochabamba in Bolivia (research and training) and with the Government of Angola (training).

Smoking Cessation Unit
- The team at the Smoking Cessation Unit is available to visit patients admitted to hospital who want to stop smoking. Just ask for a cross-consultation with our medical team and we will visit you within 24 hours.
- Visits can be scheduled online. Send an e-mail with your details (full name, address, date of birth and the ID number on your CatSalut card).
Master's degrees and accredited courses
Main Building at Bellvitge University Hospital
c/ Feixa Llarga, sn.
08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona
Floor 4
Telephone number 93 260 75 57 (from monday to friday de 8-15h)
Information and request for visits