General and Digestive System Surgery


The General and Digestive System Surgery Department is made up of specialists in the surgical treatment of gastrointestinal, endocrine and abdominal wall diseases. It also offers emergency surgical assistance in the A&E Department to patients from the assigned Area.

It is a centre of reference in the treatment of certain procedures, such as the different types of gastrointestinal cancer, hepatic metastases, inflammatory bowel disease, morbid obesity, the complex pathology of gastroesophageal reflux, pathology of thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands, and advanced laparoscopic surgery (obesity, colon, adrenal glands, gallstones, spleen and gastroesophageal reflux). The first liver transplant programme in Spain started here in 1984.

Relevant aspects

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Procediment Normalitzat de Treball


  • Bariatric surgery.
  • Thyroid cancer surgery: undifferentiated, medullary and recurrent.
  • Thyroid surgery reinterventions.
  • Primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism (intraoperative PTH).
  • Adrenal gland surgery.
  • Gastric cancer surgery requiring a full gastrectomy or partial gastrectomy with D2-lymphadenectomy.
  • Oesophageal reconstructions (along with Plastic Surgery).
  • Complex motor disorder surgery.
  • Reinterventions in GERD surgery.
  • Oesophageal cancer surgery in the context of the Functional
  • Oesophageal-Gastric Tumour Unit (FOGTU).
  • Inflammatory bowel disease surgery (abdominal and perianal).
  • Total colectomy and ileoanal reservoir.
  • Pelvic floor surgery (rectal prolapse, rectocele, enterocele).
  • Complex proctology: rectovaginal fistulae, complex anal fistulae, incontinence and anal stenosis.
  • Rectal cancer surgery (lower, ultra-low and intersphincteric resection).
  • Transanal rectal tumor excision surgery.
  • Mass excision surgery for locally advanced colon cancer.
  • Colon cancer relapse surgery (pelvic exenteration).
  • Synchronic surgery for colon cancer with liver metastases.
  • Primary and secondary liver tumor surgery.
  • Bile duct tumor surgery.
  • Surgery to repair surgical PBD lesions.
  • Pancreatic cancer surgery.
  • Neuroendocrine tumor surgery.
  • Retroperitoneal tumor surgery in the context of the Functional Sarcoma and Bone Tumor Unit.


Master's degrees and accredited courses

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Main Building at Bellvitge University Hospital

c/ Feixa Llarga, sn.

08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona

Floor 5-6

Telephone number 93 260 76 23

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