The Angiology and Vascular Surgery (ACV) Department at the University Hospital of Bellvitge (HUB) is one of the oldest Departments in this speciality in the country, and seeks to offer specialist healthcare in vascular pathology to its population with the utmost efficiency and quality, providing medical knowledge to patients requiring a diagnosis, treatment or follow-up on diseases of the circulatory system, whether they be arteries, veins, or lymph vessels.
It is the centre of reference for the diagnosis and treatment of complex aneurysms of the thoracic and abdominal aorta, with both conventional and endovascular surgery, for carotid surgery and for limb revascularisation surgery. It has 9 operating rooms a week for its surgeries (8 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon), equipped to conduct conventional and endovascular procedures, and a hospitalisation unit with 28 beds, 4 of which are for intermediate care, and a state-of-the-art vascular diagnosis lab on the use of (“non-invasive”) ultrasound examinations for the study of arterial and venous vascular diseases that is equipped with 3 high-resolution ultrasound units.
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Open artery surgery
Supra-aortic trunk surgery:
Carotid endarterectomy and stents.
Carotid body tumor surgery.
Superior thoracic aperture decompression surgery.
Aortic aneurysm surgery:
Descending aorta, thoracic-abdominal aorta and abdominal aorta.
Shunt surgery for anatomical and extra-anatomical obliterating arteriopathy:
Aorta-iliac stents, iliac-femoral stents with prosthesis, femoral-popliteal stents and femoral-distal stents with vein or prosthesis.
Vascular techniques for the treatment of vascular trauma.
Vascular ligature and suture.
Embolectomy / Thrombectomy.
Endarterectomy and vascular plasty.

Cirurgia arterial endovascular
Single artery angioplasty at any level.
Drug-coated balloon artery angioplasty.
Angioplasty with stent.
Artery rechannelling.
Embolisations and occlusions.
Thoracic aortic endoprostheses
Bifurcated and fenestrated endoprostheses and with branches for the treatment of aneurysms, dissections or aortic transection
Venous Surgery:
Haemodynamic cure of varicose veins (CHIVA).
Renal vein transposition for Nutcracker Syndrome.
Other procedures:
Vascular access for haemodialysis.
Minor and major amputations due to ischemia.
Skin grafts.
Intra-arterial fibrinolytic treatment in the intermediate care unit.
Treatment of pseudoaneurysms with ultrasound-guided thrombin puncture, with LDV.
Master's degrees and accredited courses
Main Building at Bellvitge University Hospital
c/ Feixa Llarga, sn.
08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona
Floor 11-1
Telephone number 93 260 76 38