The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department aims all its activities at meeting the healthcare needs and expectations of the population, with criteria of equity, maximum efficiency and quality, thanks to the active commitment of its entire team of professionals. The department is formed by a group of highly qualified, well-connected and highly motivated professionals to deal with the pathologies related to the elderly.
The activity is provided in outpatients, the surgical area, hospitalisation and A&E. The Department has a significant oncological side to it : it forms a very active part of the Functional Head and Neck Unit and, together with the Faculty of Dentistry, promotes the prevention, diagnosis and early treatment of head and neck cancer.
On a clinical and experimental level, it takes part in numerous projects and develops new techniques within its different lines of activity. It was one of the first to use its own 3D printer to personalise all its procedures as fully as possible.
Head of Service
Head of Nursing Area
Nurse Manager
Clinical Nurses
Relevant aspects

- Treatment of impacted teeth
- Treatment of odontogenic cysts and tumors
- Treatment of dental infections
- Treatment of salivary gland pathology (obstructive, inflammatory and tumoral)
- Treatment and reconstruction of facial trauma and their after effects
- Techniques for reanimating facial paralysis
- Surgical treatment of premalignant lesions of the oral cavity
- Surgical oral-cervicofacial oncology treatment
- Micro-surgical oral-craniofacial reconstruction techniques with 3D designs
- Maxillomandibular reconstruction techniques using distraction osteogenesis in deformities, post-traumatic defects, and oncology
- Surgical treatment of the after effects of inflammatory, traumatic and tumoral pathologies
- Skull base surgery
- Orthognatic surgery
- After effects of cleft lip and palate
- Congenital oral-cervicofacial pathology
- Vascular deformities of the oral-cervicofacial region
- Arthrocentesis and arthroscopy of the temporomandibular joint
- Surgical techniques for the temporomandibular joint
Lines of research
- Virtual planning and 3D printing line in maxillofacial reconstruction: First centre in Spain to have a 3D printer and its own software to plan and obtain biological models of patients for personalised, safer surgery. This has been mentioned at different meetings, such as the 2016 national congress of the Spanish Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Society and the conference given at the 2018 EACMFS Congress in Munich.
- Facial paralysis line: During the 2016-2017 period, 27 patients were operated on in our department, with 30 procedures; 28 static interventions and 2 dynamic interventions. The most frequent procedure was Rhinoplasty with Fascia Lata graft alone or combined with lifting of the nasolabial fold or the corner of the mouth (14), followed by lifting using Tightening Threads (13), Blepharoplasty (4), Lipofilling with autologous fat (4), Forehead or middle third face lift (5), Lengthening temporalis myoplasty (1), Sural Nerve Graft Crossface as first-stage surgery (1) awaiting 2nd stage with microvascular graft of gracilis and Canthopexy (1). The procedures performed jointly as Forehead lift with upper bilateral Blepharoplasty, Rhinoplasty with Frontoplasty, Commissuroplasty_9 lifting of the nasolabial fold with Fascia Lata graft and supraciliary lift, Commissuroplasty with Fascia Lata graft and middle third face lift, Lengthening temporalis myoplasty with middle third face lift, and Lipofilling with lifting threads.
- Dentofacial deformity line: Virtual planning and personalised plate osteosynthesis Collaboration with the SAOS committee to offer the surgical treatment with maxillary osteotomy in suitable patients.
- Care of adult patients with facial deformities: Partnership agreement with the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital to be a centre of reference to adult patients requiring follow-up and treatment.
Research Groups
- Àrea de Càncer. Programa de Mecanismes Moleculars i Teràpia Experimental en Oncologia (Oncobell) Malalties de cap i coll. IDIBELL
- Oral Health and Masticatory System Group (Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute) IDIBELL. University of Barcelona, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
Publicacions destacades
- Aleix Rovira, Jordi Tornero, Marc Oliva, Miren Taberna, Robert Montal, Julio Nogues, Anna Farre, Henry Lares, Valenti Navarro, Antoni Mari, Joan Maria Vinals, Alicia Lozano, Ricard Mesia, Manel Manos: Salvage surgery after head and neck squamous cell carcinoma treated with bioradiotherapy:. Head & Neck 01/2017; 39(1):116-121., DOI:10.1002/hed.24549
- Miren Taberna, Antonio José Rullan, Cinta Hierro, Valentín Navarro, Silvia Vázquez, Alicia Lozano, Esther Vilajosana, Manel Maños, Antonio Marí, Joan Viñals, Ricard Mesía: Late toxicity after radical treatment for locally advanced head and neck cancer. 06/2015; 51(8)., DOI:10.1016/j.oraloncology.2015.05.002
- Javier Moreno-Vicente, Rocío Schiavone-Mussano, Enrique Clemente-Salas, Antoni Marí-Roig, Enric Jané-Salas, José López-López: Coronectomy versus surgical removal of the lower third molars with a high risk of injury to the inferior alveolar nerve. A bibliographical review. Medicina oral, patologia oral y cirugia bucal 04/2015; 20(4)., DOI:10.4317/medoral.20432
- R. Sieira Gil, A. Marí Roig, C. Arranz Obispo, A. Morla, C. Martí Pagès, J. Llopis Perez: Surgical planning and microvascular reconstruction of the mandible with a fibular flap using computer-aided design, rapid prototype modelling, and precontoured titanium reconstruction plates: A prospective study. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 10/2014; 53(1)., DOI:10.1016/j.bjoms.2014.09.015
- Antonio Marí Roig, Arnaud Morla, Mireia Melero Luque, Rocio Schiavone Musano, Jesus Rodríguez Moreno: Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis (DSO) of the mandible in SAPHO syndrome: A novel approach with anti-TNF therapy. Systematic review. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 09/2014; 42(8)., DOI:10.1016/j.jcms.2014.09.004
Degree education
- 1.Medicine : teaching the subjects ENT and head and neck diseases in the Medicine degree syllabus (theory classes and seminars, as well as student rotation in the Maxillofacial Surgery Department
- 1.1 Thesis management
- 1.1.1. Intraoperative Navigation in Maxillofacial Traumatology
- 1.1.2. Virtual 3D planning in maxillofacial reconstruction. Ana Rubio Roca. Work selected for presentation at the congress of physicians and biologists of Catalonia. Manresa 2017
- 2. Dentistry. Teaching by Carlos Arranz of the subject oral medicine within the Dentistry Degree. Teaching of surgical pathology by Adaia Valls as part of the Dentistry Degree at UIC.
Master's degrees amc accredited courses
- Master’s degree in Medicine, Surgery and Implants. Antonio Marí Joint Director of the Master’s Degree from the Odontostomatology Department at the University of Barcelona. Adjuncts and residents from the Department as professors collaborating with him. Rotation of degree students in the Department for two weeks a year.
- Master’s degree in Oncological and immunocompromised patients. Antonio Marí Joint Director of the Master’s Degree. Rotation of students in the Functional Head and Neck Unit.
Main Building at Bellvitge University Hospital
c/ Feixa Llarga, sn.
08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona
Floor 13 | Hospitalization
Telephone number 93 260 75 02
Outpatient consultations at Bellvitge University Hospital
c/ Feixa Llarga, sn.
08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona
Floor 2, module 24
Telephone number 93 260 76 96