- Rhinitis
- Conjunctivitis
- Hypersensitivity pneumonitis, respiratory disease exacerbated by NSAIDs
- Allergen skin (prick) tests
- Nasal allergen provocation tests
- Conjunctival allergen provocation tests
- Spirometry with PBD test Patient education

Allergology is a medical speciality that studies, diagnoses and treats diseases that have developed as a result of a immune hypersensitivity reaction to certain substances (allergens).
It includes diseases affecting the breathing, skin, digestion or the whole body.
Many of these diseases are chronic, which means that patients must be controlled over long periods.
The Allergology Service cares for patients with the following diseases: Anaphylaxis, Conjunctivitis, Rhinitis, Bronchial asthma and related diseases, Food allergies, Drug allergies, Latex allergies, Reactions to hymenoptera insect bites, Atopic dermatitis, Contact dermatitis, Urticaria/Angioedema, Hereditary angioedema, Mastocytosis, Diseases associated to eosinophilia.
The Evaluation process consists of medical records and a physical examination.
Individualised testing depending on the patient’s disease.
Once this process is complete and the diagnosis has been given, the allergologist informs the patient, establishes the treatment and schedules the next visit, if follow-up is required.
Atopic dermatitis
Contact dermatitis
Exanthema and other skin symptoms in which the involvement of an allergen is suspected.
Allergen prick tests
Epicutaneous tests
Ice cube test
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-Laguna JJ, Archilla J, Doña I, Corominas M, Gastaminza G, Berjes-Jimeno P, Tornero P, Martin S, Planas A, Moreno E, Torres MJ. Practical Guidelines for Perioperative Hypersensitivity Reactions. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2018;28(4):216-232.
- Sonia Matas, Marta Broto, Mercè Corominas, Ramon Lleonart, Ruth Babington, M-Pilar Marco, Roger Galve. Immediate hypersensitivity to penicillins. Identification of a new antigènic determinant. J Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Anaysis 2018;148: 17-23.
-Andrés-López B, Lleonart R, Corominas M. Hypersensitivity to CIDEX OPA: a misdiagnosed condition. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract, 2016: 4:1260-1261
-Valero A, Navarro AM, del Cuvillo A, Alobid I, Benito JR, Colas C, de los Santos G, Fernández Liesa R, García-Lliberós A, González-Pérez R, Izquierdo-Domínguez A, Jurado-Ramos A, LLuch-Bernal MM, Montserrat Gili JR, Mullol J, Puiggròs Casas A, Sánchez-Hernández MC, Vega F, Villacampa JM, Armengot-Carceller M, Dordal MT. Position Paper on Nasal Obstruction: evaluation and treatment. J Investig Allergy Clin Immunol 2018; 28(2):67-90.
Outpatient consultations at Bellvitge University Hospital
c/ Feixa Llarga, sn.
08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona
Floor 2, module 21
Medical Day Hospital
Viladecans Hospital
CAE Just Oliveres
ICO-Onco Hematological Day Hospital
Telephone 93 260 76 80