Clinical Pharmacology


The common goal of the activities in the clinical pharmacology department is to promote the effective, safe and efficient use of medicinal products. Another goal is to promote the generation of new knowledge through research with medicinal products to high ethical and methodological standards that are scientifically relevant and clinically applicable.

The main references of the Clinical pharmacology department are the drug regulation agencies, such as the Spanish Agency for Medicine and Health Products (AEMPs) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

It also permanently interacts with the levels of authority that have responsibilities in the medicine selection and information policy: ICS and CatSalut.

With regard to research and education, the department works closely with nearby institutions, such as IDIBELL or the University of Barcelona, as well as with national and international research support networks, such as ECRIN and ENCEPP.

The department also has close ties with the Spanish Clinical Pharmacology Society.

The department aims to meet these goals through functions and activities in the following areas of action: medicine selection and policy; information on medicines and therapies; safety in the use of medicines; support for research; activities in the Clinical Research Ethics Committee (CREC); in-house research; degree education; post-graduate education and ongoing training.


Head of Service

Nurse Pharmacovigilance Program

Clinical pharmacologist at the CEIC

Relevant aspects

Selecció i política de medicaments_farmacologia clinica_hub.
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Medicine selection and policy

  • The activities take place in the heart of the hospital’s clinical commissions, especially the Pharmacotherapy Commission. Priority is given to added-value analysis methods for new medicines. The goals are for the hospital to have the best medicines, selected using criteria of efficacy, toxicity, convenience and cost. They must also be used optimally to ensure the utmost effectiveness and efficiency, while minimising risks to patients.
Informació sobre medicaments i terapèutica_farmacologia clinica_hub
Icona Procediment Normalitzat de Treball

Information on medicines and therapies

  • The main activities include providing the hospital’s healthcare professionals with a medicine and therapy information system in order to respond to their individual consultations. It also provides them with up-to-date information with the most appropriate formats, all using new information technologies.
Seguretat en l’ús de medicaments_farmacologia hospitalaria_hub
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Safety in the use of medicines

  • The main activities include the development of the HUB pharmacovigilance programme and the distribution of information on safety issues on the use of medicines in the hospital. The goals are to obtain useful information to continuously gauge the problem of adverse reactions produced by medicines in the hospital and its impact. As well as this, to pose measures to ensure a safer use of medicines.
Suport a la recerca_farmacologia clinica_hub
Icona Procediment Normalitzat de Treball

Support for research

The activities consist of providing support for the designing, planning and implementation of the research projects of HUB researchers, primarily clinical research projects with medicinal products or other therapy strategies. Researcher assistance is based on providing methodological and regulatory advice and support in the implementation of the projects, primarily clinical trials.

Activities are conducted to support the responsibilities of the principal investigators of the clinical trials at the hospital. Support is also given to researchers exercising their responsibilities when they are sponsors of the clinical trials. This activity takes place through the UICEC IDIBELL, which forms part of the Screen Platform of the Carlos III Health Institute.

Activitat al CEIC_farmacologia clinica_hub.
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Activities in the CREC

  • The activities consist of the methodological, ethical and legal assessment of the research projects, primarily the clinical trial protocols involving medicinal products and clinical research involving medical products that are submitted to the HUB CREC. It also monitors the research projects and carries out the work involved in managing the CREC.


Lines of research

  • Pharmacoepidemiology. Neuropharmacology and pain.

Main Publications

  • Rodríguez D, Ordoñez P, Llop R, Videla S, Otero A, Carnaval T, Poltorak V, Moya-Guerola M, Masuet-Aumatell C, Rodriguez S, Hereu P. Suspected adverse events following immunization against SARS-CoV2 in a university hospital in 2021: Observational study. Medicine: October 14, 2022 - Volume 101 - Issue 41 - p e30976 doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000030976.
  • Grillo S, Cuervo G, Carratala J, San-Juan R, Aguado JM, Morata L, Gomez-Zorrilla S, López-Contreras J, Gasch O, Gomila-Grange A, Iftimie S, Garcia-Pardo G, Calbo E, Boix-Palop L, Oriol I, Jover-Sáenz A, López-Cortés LE, Euba G, Aguirregabiria M, Garcia-Pais MJ, Gioia F, Paño JR, Pedro-Botet ML, Benítez RM, Pérez-Rodríguez MT, Meije Y, Loeches-Yagüe MB, Horna G, Berbel D, Domínguez MÁ, Padullés A, Cobo S, Hereu P, Videla S, Tebe C, Pallarés N, Miro JM, Pujol M; SAFO study group and the Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI). Multicentre, randomised, open-label, phase IV-III study to evaluate the efficacy of cloxacillin plus fosfomycin versus cloxacillin alone in adult patients with methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia: study protocol for the SAFO trial. BMJ Open. 2021 Aug 5;11(8):e051208. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051208.
  • Videla S, Otero A, Martí S, Domínguez MÁ, Fabrellas N, Delgado-Hito MP, Cruz I, Tebé C, Vinuesa T, Ardila F, Sancho M, Fernández E, Figuerola M, Ciruela F. Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection at the University of Barcelona during the Third COVID-19 Pandemic Wave in Spain. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jun 17;18(12):6526. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18126526.
  • Solanich X, Antolí A, Rocamora-Blanch G, Padullés N, Fanlo-Maresma M, Iriarte A, Mitjavila F, Capdevila O, Riera-Mestre A, Bas J, Vicens-Zygmunt V, Niubó J, Calvo N, Bolivar S, Rigo-Bonnin R, Mensa-Vilaró A, Arregui L, Tebe C, Videla S, Hereu P, Corbella X. Methylprednisolone Pulses Plus Tacrolimus in Addition to Standard of Care vs. Standard of Care Alone in Patients With Severe COVID-19. A Randomized Controlled Trial. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021 Jun 14;8:691712. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.691712.
  • Llop R, Rodríguez D. Cascada terapéutica: prevención, identificación y adecuación del tratamiento. BIT 2021. Vol. 32, núm. 1.


Degree education

  • Associate Medical Professor: Pilar Hereu Boher. General Pharmacology (3rd). Clinical Pharmacology (6th). Pathology and Experimental Therapy Department. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. University of Barcelona. Bellvitge Campus.
  • Associate Medical Professor: Dolores Rodriguez Cumplido. General Pharmacology (3rd). Clinical Pharmacology (6th). Pharmacology, Therapy and Toxicology Department. Autonomous University of Barcelona. Vall d’Hebron Teaching Unit.
  • Associate professor: Sebastià Videla Cés. Experimental and Health Science Department. Faculty of Health and Life Sciences. Pompeu Fabra University

Master's degrees amd accredited courses

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