12 months for mental health


Throughout the year 2024, the spaces dedicated to mental health care at the Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB) will undergo significant improvements, including a new specialized psychiatric care area in the Emergency Department, the creation of a new open mental health hospitalization unit, and the renovation of the hospitalization area of the Eating Disorders Unit (EDU).

In addition to these three actions, various initiatives are being implemented to advance mental health care from multiple approaches: from art therapy and music therapy; promoting physical activity; animal-assisted therapy; to the creation of healthy prescriptions, a library in the hospitalization area, or exhibitions of patients’ artwork—all part of the comprehensive program 12 Months for Mental Health.

With this initiative, Bellvitge Hospital aims to give a strong boost to the mental health of both citizens and professionals in 2024. The campaign, under the slogan Socially Responsible, highlights Bellvitge Hospital’s commitment to taking on its role as a leader in the treatment of mental illnesses and disorders.

Check the program and the calendar of scheduled actions

This presentation provides a global and scheduled overview of all actions carried out and/or planned throughout 2024 within the framework of the 12 Months for Mental Health program at Bellvitge Hospital.


Actions January 2024


Let's fight against depression

The major depressive disorder is the most common mental illness and one of the leading causes worldwide of years lived with disability. At Bellvitge University Hospital, we have been working for many years to combat it, and we want to take the opportunity on January 13th, International Depression Awareness Day, to raise awareness about the illness and explain that it can be overcome. We are doing this through a video for social media that shares the experience of a patient who has suffered from depression twice, in the form of a conversation with their doctor. We are also participating in the program "Linea de Servei" on Esplugues Televisió-La Xarxa to provide in-depth information on what depression is, the types of depression, how it is treated, the importance of mental health, and more.


Pioneers in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression

Bellvitge Hospital is the first public center in Catalonia to incorporate transcranial magnetic stimulation to treat treatment-resistant depression. Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a non-invasive neuromodulation procedure applied when other therapeutic options fail. It is based on the application of focal electric stimuli to different regions of the cerebral cortex through an electromagnetic coil placed on the scalp. By using low-intensity electromagnetic pulses to stimulate brain activity, it is very well tolerated by patients, does not require anesthesia, and does not cause cognitive deficits.

It is estimated that around 80 patients will undergo this treatment each year, and the positive response rate is between 50% and 60%, according to current scientific evidence. More information


Actions February 2024


We are developing a machine learning tool that predicts the progression of OCD patients

The OCD Unit of the Psychiatry Service at Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB) has spearheaded the first study to build a long-term prognosis model, based on machine learning, for patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This has been achieved thanks to the follow-up of patients from the center for more than a decade, marking a step forward in the field: "It is a machine learning model that allows us to predict the evolution of OCD patients through clinical variables and neuropsychological performance indicators collected from the beginning of the follow-up," explains Dr. Cinto Segalàs, specialist at the HUB Psychiatry Service, member of the Psychiatry and Mental Health group at IDIBELL, and principal investigator of the study.

The research, published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, also shows that two-thirds of patients are resistant to standardized treatments, such as medication, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or psychosurgery. More information


salud mental

Type 2 Diabetes and Increased Depressive Symptoms are Linked

A study, coordinated by IDIBELL, Bellvitge University Hospital, and CIBEROBN, and framed within the PREDIMED-Plus project, confirms the association between the presence of type 2 diabetes and the severity of depressive symptoms in older adults with obesity and metabolic syndrome.

The study further suggests worse metabolic control starting from mild levels of depressive symptoms in the short to medium term, influenced by body mass index and lifestyle habits related to diabetes care. The results have been published in the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation.

The study analyzed more than 6,000 participants to investigate the cross-sectional relationship between depressive symptoms and the presence of type 2 diabetes, as well as to explore its association with metabolic control through glycated hemoglobin, which measures blood glucose, and other metabolic variables. More information




Life voice

Thanks to the collaboration agreement between the Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB) and the Bellvitge Library, which is part of the library network of the Diputació de Barcelona and the Hospitalet Libraries, once a month, patients from the HUB Psychiatry Department enjoy listening to poems, stories, and excerpts from literary works read aloud, making their stay at the hospital more pleasant and welcoming.

Life voice aims to harness the well-being that reading aloud can generate. The emotional and cognitive benefits of reading aloud have been studied for centuries from various perspectives, including neuroscience and anthropology, among others. In fact, as noted by American essayist Meghan Cox Gurdon in her book The Enchanted Hour, in the 2nd century, a Greek physician named Antyllus prescribed daily recitation to his patients as a healthy treatment, emphasizing the therapeutic virtues of epic verses. The initiative is also carried out in other areas of the hospital. More information



Art Therapy: Painting Exhibition

Since February 1st and until March 31st, the waiting room of the Psychiatry Outpatient Service is hosting the exhibition "From Genesis to Revelation," featuring 25 paintings of various formats by Eusebi Tolosa Magriñà, a patient of Bellvitge Hospital for almost four decades.

With this exhibition, the Psychiatry Service is launching an initiative to showcase the creative abilities of individuals with mental illnesses while also encouraging others in similar situations to explore the therapeutic potential of artistic creation.

In the words of Eusebi Tolosa: "For me, this means a lot, because I have had this illness since I was 21 years old, and little by little, painting significantly improved my relationship with Bellvitge Hospital. I had fewer admissions, practically none, and painting helped me lead a normal life. I have a wife and a son, and I live a normal life, but I still have an illness. For all these reasons, exhibiting at Bellvitge means a great deal to me, as it has been my hospital for 38 years." More information



Dra. Jiménez

Dr. Jiménez defends in the Parlament de Catalunya the regulation of gambling advertising

Dr. Susana Jiménez, head of the Clinical Psychology Service at Bellvitge University Hospital, participated as an expert in the presentation of the Catalan Audiovisual Communication Law Project, which is currently being debated in the Catalan chamber.

Gambling has been a serious social problem for decades, although the profile of those affected has changed over time. Dr. Jiménez concluded that: “Limiting or regulating advertising has a very clear effect on prevention.” More information


Actions  March 2024


Project Presentation: 12 Months for Mental Health

The project has been publicly presented through a press release, social media news, and posters on billboards, after being introduced internally in various sessions and via the intranet.

The release explains that the program includes the launch of new facilities and activities related to music therapy, reading, animal-assisted therapy, or the creation of a therapeutic garden, among many others, with the aim of achieving a positive impact on the mental and emotional health of citizens and professionals.

The text highlights that the program will give prominence and a voice to patients, especially young people and the elderly, and their families, through initiatives that place their creative abilities and testimonies in the foreground, while also helping to promote reflection on mental health challenges among professionals. More information



The inconsistency of diagnostic criteria limits the treatment of atypical eating disorders

Dr. Isabel Krug, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Melbourne, has conducted a session at HUB on Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder (OSFED), highlighting the arbitrariness and lack of rigor in establishing a clinical diagnosis for these mental disorders.

Atypical eating disorders, or OSFED, share symptoms with more well-known disorders such as bulimia or anorexia but do not meet all the criteria for their diagnosis. Dr. Isabel Krug, a clinical psychologist from the University of Melbourne and a leading expert in the field, gave an insightful presentation on March 11 about the implications of the lack of awareness and limited research devoted to these disorders. More information



Women with resistant OCD respond worse to deep brain stimulation

The Psychiatry Service of Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB) has published research indicating that men have a better long-term prognosis with deep brain stimulation (DBS) treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Over the past fifteen years, the Psychiatry and Neurosurgery Services at HUB have been using neuromodulation techniques in patients with severe and resistant forms of OCD, and the study focuses on analyzing the response to this intervention.

The state-wide scientific novelty has been published in the Spanish Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health (SEPSM) and shows that 76.9% of men responded well to deep brain stimulation, whereas only 33.3% of women had a satisfactory outcome. More information


salut mental positiva

Positive Mental Health takes center stage in the Third Session of the Territorial Plan

Dr. Maria Teresa Lluch, the first Dean of the Nursing Faculty at the University of Barcelona, led the third session of the Mental Health Update, held on March 8 and organized by Pla d’Integració de Salut Mental Territorial Metropolitana Sud. The expert in Positive Mental Health presented a questionnaire, developed by herself, which outlines six key factors for assessing this construct: Personal Satisfaction, Prosocial Attitude, Self-Control, Autonomy, Problem-Solving, and Interpersonal Relationship Skills.

Dr. Lluch explains that, "Positive Mental Health is a dynamic and fluctuating state in which a person strives to feel and be as well as possible within the circumstances they find themselves in." More information


Actions April 2024


Esketamine offers promising results for the treatment of resistant depression

The results so far from the administration of esketamine to patients with treatment-resistant depression referred to Bellvitge Hospital are encouraging, especially because it represents a significant improvement in patients who have been experiencing severe disease decompensation for a long time and have failed numerous previous treatments. Through a nasal spray, the patient self-administers the medication, always at the hospital and with the help and supervision of medical and nursing professionals.

The use of esketamine was approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) at the end of 2022 for cases of treatment-resistant depression that have failed at least two lines of appropriate antidepressant treatment. It is a derivative of ketamine, a chemical compound commonly used in general anesthesia, which has been shown to produce positive changes in the brain affected by depression. More information



Health Recipes

A good diet improves and maintains our health, and for people who suffer from a mental disorder, nutrition can be a powerful ally. Within the framework of the project "12 Months for Mental Health," the initiative "Health Recipes" was born. We invite renowned chefs to prepare recipes for our patients, with the clinical advice of mental health and eating disorder specialists from the Hospital de Bellvitge.

Through this initiative, chefs will gain a better understanding of these disorders, and with their support, they will help raise awareness about these conditions. At the same time, resources will be offered to patients and their families to promote better nutrition. The first Health Recipe is by Ada Parellada, who has gifted us her "Vegetable UFOs." More information

On this occasion, Ada Parellada, chef at Semproniana Restaurant, explains how to make her Vegetable UFOs. See the recipe here.



Words that console

Roundtable with users of the Psychiatry and/or Clinical Psychology Services affected by mental illnesses who have published books (both fiction and experiential works about their experiences with mental health). The project is aimed at patients connected to the Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology Services of HUB with literary production, and its goal is to showcase the creative ability of people affected by mental illnesses and to encourage individuals with mental health issues to delve into the field of literary creation as a therapeutic tool.

More information


Sessió Sumament

International Session of the Pla Territorial de Salut Mental on the treatment of resistant depression

On April 26, Dr. Mauro Pettorruso, neuroscientist and psychiatrist, and head of the research group at the Università degli Studi G. d'Annunzio Chieti Pescara UNICH, Department of Neuroscience Imaging and Clinical Sciences in Italy, participated in the 4th Mental Health Update Session organized by the Pla Territorial de Salut Mental MetroSud-SumaMent, with a conference on treatments for resistant depression. This disorder represents a severe clinical condition with high social and economic costs.

More information


Actions May 2024

'Health Recipe' with Josep Lozano | Oven-Roasted Vegetables with Crispy Chickpeas

Discover this unique recipe for oven-roasted vegetables with crispy chickpeas from Josep Lozano, chef at the Fundació Alícia, who prepares it for the project "12 months for Mental Health."

Watch the recipe here


'Health Recipe' with Jordi Bordas | Muffins with Strawberry Compote

What a marvel these Muffins with Strawberry Compote that Jordi Bordas, chef of the Escola de pastisseria Jordi Bordas, teaches us to make.

Check out the recipe here



We inaugurate the new psychiatric emergency services

For the first time, the emergency care of the Psychiatry Service has a dedicated space, designed to handle cases of varying severity under the best conditions for both patients and professionals. Located in Module A, the new Psychiatric Emergency Unit can attend to or monitor up to 7 patients simultaneously.

The emergency unit includes two monitoring areas for more severe cases and two additional spaces that facilitate care and observation for up to 5 less complex cases. Moreover, the two Psychiatry and Specialized Nursing consultation rooms will enhance collaboration and teamwork among professionals, another key goal of creating this new space, along with the coordination with the entire Emergency Department to ensure comprehensive patient care.

More information


teràpia en parella

Session: Therapeutic Approaches in Couples

Professor Joël Tremblay, PhD in Psychology and Chair of the Department of Psychoeducation at the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières (Canada), was the guest speaker at the 5th Mental Health Update Session, organized by Pla d’Integració Territorial de Salut Mental Metropolitana Sud (Sumament+) on May 17.

Tremblay, who is also the scientific director of the RISQ Research Group (Recherche et Intervention sur les Substances Psychoactives), focused his lecture on the effectiveness of couple therapy for addressing various mental and somatic disorders (addictions, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, OCD, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and chronic pain). In Spain, with a population of 47,500,000, 54.5% of adults live as couples (with or without children), indicating a significant potential for the application of couple therapy. More information.



Pioneers in Psychological Care for Patients at Risk of Sudden Death

The Arrhythmia Unit and the Clinical Psychology Service of Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB) have jointly launched a project that provides specialized psychological support to patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICD). This pioneering initiative in the country addresses a healthcare need and allows for comprehensive care to be offered to patients undergoing follow-up at Bellvitge.

Specifically, the goal of the Psico-DAI project is to offer emotional support in personal aspects that go beyond medical and nursing care, in order to achieve a better quality of life. "These individuals often face situations that can have a significant emotional impact, such as being at risk of sudden death or having survived an episode of malignant ventricular arrhythmia," says Dr. Ignasi Anguera, cardiologist and director of the Arrhythmia Unit at Bellvitge Hospital, the fifth-largest center in the country in terms of ICD implants. More information


teràpia electroconvulsiva

The Psychiatry Service reaches the 50th edition of the Electroconvulsive Therapy Course

As in every session, participants undergo 35 hours of intensive training in the techniques and the latest advances of this psychiatric therapy, used as a treatment for severe depression and other conditions.

The first of these fifty courses was organized in 1993, and since then, it has become the oldest course in the country, with the most editions, and the main reference in the specialty. More information


Actions June 2024


The first Comprehensive Recovery Unit for Adults with Severe Eating Disorders is now operational

As part of the Shock Plan launched by the Generalitat of Catalonia to improve care for Eating Disorders, two new highly specialized hospitalization units have been created, among other initiatives: one for children and young people, and one for the adult population.

The Unit for the adult population, the first in Spanish State, is the result of an agreement between Bellvitge University Hospital, which oversees clinical and scientific management, and Sagrat Cor de Martorell Hospital, which provides the facilities and staff. It offers 20 beds for high-complexity patients, who are expected to stay for an average of around 90 days. The new unit serves the entire region. More information



'Health Recipe' with Xavier Pellicer | Cod with Potatoes and Peas

What better time than the weekend to dedicate some time to taking care of ourselves and preparing a healthy recipe? As part of the 12 Months for Mental Health campaign, chef Xavier Pellicer from the Xavier Pellicer restaurant offers us a Cod with Potatoes, Peas, and a pil-pil sauce bound with kuzu. Enjoy!

Watch the recipe here

estudi internet

Leading a European study to combat problematic Internet use among young people

The BootStrRaP project, led by Dr. José Manuel Menchón (HUB-IDIBELL) and Dr. Naomi Fineberg (United Kingdom), aims to address the risks of problematic Internet use among young people. Young people from nine European countries will directly participate in the research process by creating and using an app specifically designed for this project.

It is estimated that between 10% and 17% of the global population is affected by problematic Internet use, and adolescents are particularly vulnerable to its harmful effects on individual and social health and well-being. In fact, several online behaviors, such as gaming, gambling, shopping, viewing pornography, social networks, "cyberbullying," and "cyberchondria," are known to cause problems for those affected and their families due to the loss of control over online activity. To address this, a new study has been launched, using smart technology to improve mental health and combat the growing presence of problematic Internet use.

More information


'Health Prescription' with Alexis Peñalver | Sardines Stuffed with Catalan Picada

Alexis Peñalver, owner of the restaurants L'Hermòs, La Pubilla, and Extra Bar, shows us how to prepare Sardines Stuffed with Catalan Picada for the 12 Months for Mental Health project.

Watch the recipe here


neurotransmissors TCA

Conference: Neurobiological Markers and Eating Disorders

Focusing on extreme weight and eating situations, the conference summarized the latest research by Steward on brain markers associated with the onset of anorexia nervosa, particularly in response to food-related and social stimuli.

Additionally, research currently being conducted at the University of Melbourne related to overeating, especially binge eating disorder, and taste in response to palatable and flavorful stimuli was shared.

During the event, an engaging dialogue was established with the attending professionals regarding the therapeutic implications of these findings in the field of neurostimulation, especially in long-term cases where conventional treatments have failed. More information



Session: Cognitive Rehabilitation in Schizophrenia

Dr. Rafael Penadés, a clinical psychologist at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, was the speaker at the 6th clinical session of the Pla Territorial Metropolità de Salut Mental, focused on the fundamental role of cognitive rehabilitation in cases of individuals with schizophrenia, held on June 28th.

Once the psychotic symptoms that arise in a condition like schizophrenia are treated and managed—“a major fire that needs to be resolved,” as Dr. Rafael Penadés described—mental health professionals face the primary challenge of patient recovery using neurocognitive rehabilitation techniques.

Until about 25 years ago, cognitive rehabilitation was not given the appropriate importance in mental illnesses like schizophrenia. Now, it is included in the public service portfolio of some centers and has become a key element in patient recovery. More information

renovació espais psiquiatria

Family members of mental health patients collaborate in the renovation of the Psychiatry spaces at Bellvitge Hospital.

This initiative is part of the #12MonthsforMentalHealth program, launched by Bellvitge Hospital in 2024. The program aims to give prominence to patients, especially young people and the elderly, and their families, promoting reflection on the challenges of mental health among professionals through various creative initiatives and personal testimonies.

During the visit, Dr. Pino Alonso, head of the Psychiatry Service; Lia-Tamar Sánchez Salido, head of Nursing in Neurosciences; and Silvia San Miguel, architect of General Services at HUB, participated. The professionals gathered proposals from AFEMHOS, based on the experiences of family members and patients, to create quality services. More information



The Psychiatry Service organizes an intensive training course in TOC

The OCD Unit of the HUB Psychiatry Service is a reference for this disorder at both the national and international levels, in both clinical care and research.

The aim of the course has been to improve the competence of mental health professionals in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with this condition, including pharmacological approaches, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and neuromodulation techniques. More information

Actions July 2024


Therapeutic Garden

The initiative aims to empower patients through a therapeutic intervention conducted outdoors, utilizing an underused outdoor space at the Psychiatry Unit of the Hospital. With this action, we intend for patients to improve their hospital stay, incorporate healthy lifestyle habits, improve their mood, and make the hospitalization experience more pleasant.

The garden will also serve to engage both patients and professionals through interactive shared participation methods, with the goal of reducing the stigma associated with mental illness. Additionally, the garden has an educational function in promoting sustainable progress, respect for nature, socialization with the environment, and cooperative work. More information


'Health Recipe' with Jordi Roca | Chocolate Cheesecake

The renowned chef Jordi Roca will prepare a delicious Chocolate Cheesecake to collaborate on the project 12 months for Mental Health.

Watch the recipe here


Rega(lem) Mental Health

Linked to the creation of the therapeutic garden, the "Rega(lem) mental health" initiative will be launched, a patronage program to achieve the necessary watering machines to maintain the garden. The space destined for a therapeutic garden hasn't water accessible in space and therefore it will be necessary to water with manual means. More information

formació sm

We push a change in the care of mental health patients

A total of 80 professionals from different backgrounds (doctors, nurses, orderlies, and psychologists) have received specific training in the Safewards model, which involves a profound change in the care provided to mental health patients. The basic premises of this new model focus on resolving adverse or conflict situations with communication and dialogue tools that allow avoiding the need for physical, mechanical, or pharmacological restraint measures.

The new patient care model will begin to be implemented in the new open-regime mental health inpatient unit at HUB, which is already under construction with the aim of becoming operational after the summer. From this initial experience, the goal is for it to spread like wildfire to all inpatient units that may have mental health patients. More information



'Health Recipe' with Carme Ruscalleda | Rice with vegetables and squid

Suculent recipe prepared by chef Carme Ruscalleda: Rice with vegetables and squid. Ideal to enjoy with the whole family!

Watch the recipe here


Actions August 2024


Study on Pathological Gambling

The Pathological Gambling and Behavioral Addictions Unit of the Clinical Psychology Service at Bellvitge University Hospital is participating in an international study aimed at assessing the general population's perception of gambling addiction and the individuals affected by this disorder.The data for the work will come from citizens' responses to a simple, anonymous questionnaire that takes no more than 10 minutes to complete.

For most people, gambling is a form of entertainment or fun, but for some, it causes problems and can even lead to addiction. Currently, there is very limited knowledge about how people with gambling problems and these types of addictions are socially perceived. The study is being conducted in several countries, including Spain, the United Kingdom, Kenya, Switzerland, Hungary, Italy, Poland, and Australia. More information


Actions September 2024

passejades terapèutiques

Therapeutic Walks begin to walk

Therapeutic walks are one of the many activities included in the #12monthsforMentalHealth program, a full calendar of actions and initiatives aimed at improving the mental health and emotional well-being of patients, families, and hospital professionals throughout 2024.

The initiative aims to promote healthy habits and social interaction, while reducing the risk of isolation and fostering support networks, as well as knowledge of the surroundings of the Delta del Llobregat near the hospital. More information



How to curb the chronicity of Eating Disorders is the focus of a debate among some of the world's leading experts in Barcelona

On September 25, around fifteen international experts in eating disorders (EDs) gathered at a symposium held at the Paranimf of the University of Barcelona, focusing on chronicity and the treatment of long-term patients. The event, inaugurated by Rector Joan Guàrdia, featured prominent speakers such as Jane Treasure and Stephen Wonderlich, who presented research on risk factors and the limitations of current treatments, which mainly affect young women and adults. The complexity of EDs, associated with comorbidities and an increase in incidence—especially after the pandemic—was a recurring theme.

Among the key conclusions, the experts emphasized the need to develop new therapeutic strategies, as currently 40% of patients experience limited outcomes with conventional treatments. The creation of a new suprasectoral device to support long-term ED patients was also discussed, resulting from collaboration among various health institutions. The symposium, organized by Bellvitge University Hospital and other entities, brought together about 300 mental health professionals, highlighting the growing interest in addressing this issue. More information

magret d'ànec

'Health Recipe' with Sergio Andreu | Duck Breast with Orange

Chef Sergio Andreu from La Pepita restaurant presents an exquisite Duck Breast with Orange for the 12 Months for Mental Health project. Enjoy a healthy and gourmet dish, perfect for nurturing your mind and body.

Watch the recipe here

Actions October 2024


Bellvitge Hospital engages in Mental Health Month in Hospitalet

HUB collaborates for the third consecutive year with talks, stands, and exhibitions in the activities of Mental Health Month in Hospitalet, organized by the City Council of Hospitalet de Llobregat throughout this month of October under the theme "Caring for Mental Health: A Vital Challenge," coinciding with the celebration of World Mental Health Day on Thursday, October 10.

HUB's participation began on October 8 with a talk by Susana Jiménez, head of the Pathological Gambling and Behavioral Addictions Unit and the Clinical Psychology Service at HUB, and a researcher at IDIBELL, focusing on video game and gambling addictions in adolescents and young people, as part of the round table "Addictions: No Joke" at the Auditori Barradas in Hospitalet. More information 



'Health Recipe' with  Rafa Peña | Veal Sweetbreads with Spring Mushrooms

Chef Rafa Peña from Gresca restaurant delights us with Veal Sweetbreads with Spring Mushrooms, collaborating in the 12 Months for Mental Health project. We're committed to healthy cuisine and well-being!

Watch the recipe here

L’HUB fa pedagogia sobre l’ús dels serious games per tractar les addicions comportamentals i els TCA

The HUB educates on the use of serious games to address behavioral addictions and eating disorders

At the Mental Health Services and Organizations Fair in Hospitalet on October 19, Sumament! —the initiative by Bellvitge Hospital and the Mental Health Unit— presented e-Estesia, a serious game designed to treat behavioral addictions and impulsivity disorders. Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry professionals, together with Nursing students, demonstrated how the tool works, using a biosensor to measure users' heart rate during gameplay.

October is Mental Health Month in Hospitalet, with activities organized by the City Council. The HUB is participating with talks and exhibitions, beginning with a lecture by Susana Jiménez on addictions in adolescents, followed by Dr. Pino Alonso. More information


Tools to help young people take care of their Emotional Health

More than 200 high school and vocational training students from the Bellvitge, Llobregat, and Europa institutes in L’Hospitalet, along with nursing students from the Bellvitge Campus of the University of Barcelona (UB), participated in the event From Head to Body, held on October 31 at Bellvitge Hospital (HUB). The aim of the event was to equip young people with tools to manage mental health in four major areas: stress management, eating disorders (ED), addiction to alcohol, and addiction to video games and social media. More information

Actions November 2024


'Health Recipe' with Daniel Brin | Deviled Eggs (Ous a la Mimosa)

Chef Daniel Brin brings us a healthy recipe: Ous a la Mimosa (Deviled Eggs) with a delicious vinaigrette, as part of the initiative 12 Months for Mental Health.

Watch the recipe here



unitat joc patològic

The Pathological Gambling Unit at HUB Receives the Catalan Drug Dependency Foundation Award

The Catalan Drug Dependency Federation (FCD) has honored Dr. Susana Jiménez-Murcia with its annual award, presented during the 19th FCD Conference at the Maritime Museum of Barcelona. Dr. Jiménez, head of the Pathological Gambling Unit at Bellvitge Hospital, highlighted the evolution of addiction cases, noting the shift from slot machines to younger individuals facing issues with online gambling and sports betting. She expressed that the recognition serves as a motivation to continue advancing in this field. More information

Actions December 2024


The Bellvitge Hospital opens a pioneering open-door Psychiatry hospitalization unit

The new open-door psychiatric hospitalization unit is aimed at individuals experiencing an acute decompensation of a mental disorder that requires intensive treatment, who voluntarily agree to be admitted to the hospital and are not at risk of self-harm or aggressive behavior towards others.

The goal is to provide a comprehensive approach, with flexible, personalized, and close care, involving patients and their families in the process.

With the new unit, Bellvitge continues to roll out a new model of mental health care that enhances patient autonomy and eliminates the stigma surrounding these conditions. More information


A piano concert closes the 12 months that Bellvitge has dedicated to Mental Health

The concert by Oriol Mañé Duatis on the piano, permanently installed at the Outpatient Consultation Area thanks to a donation from the Pianos Vius association, was open to citizens, users, and professionals. It marked the conclusion of twelve months during which a series of actions and equipment have been progressively introduced, transforming the approach to mental health and emotional well-being at HUB.  More information


Bellvitge Hospital publishes and gifts its patients the book ‘Recipes for Health’ for Christmas, created in collaboration with 12 renowned chefs from Catalonia

The Bellvitge University Hospital published the book Recipes for Health this December, compiling in writing and photography the recipes that twelve renowned Catalan chefs selflessly recorded on video throughout 2024 as part of Bellvitge Hospital's project 12 Months for Mental Health.

These recipes were gradually shared over the year through the digital platforms and social media channels of Bellvitge Hospital. Now, they have been collected in this book, which has been presented as a Christmas gift. More information

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