Lleonart Bellfill, Ramón

Head of service

Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona and Specialist in Allergology and Clinical Immunology by MIR training at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.

Dr. Lleonart developed his activity as a specialist in Allergology at the Tarragona Joan XXIII Hospital and the Althaia Foundation, Manresa (SISCAT) before joining the HUB in 2004. His fields main ones of interest are bronchial asthma and hereditary angioedema. His expertise in this disease has made it possible for the HUB to currently be a center of reference in hereditary angioedema with several research projects and clinical trials in development.

Dr. Lleonart actively participates in multiple scientific societies: SCAIC, SEAIC, EAACI. He is the main researcher in several research projects and also participates in teaching tasks. He has published numerous scientific articles in influential journals and has been the editor of book chapters on topics in the specialty.

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