Accident & Emergency


The Accident & Emergency Department at the University Hospital of Bellvitge meets the urgent demands of any speciality, except for paediatrics and obstetrics, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

In order to do so, it is organised according to the level of emergency (triage), complexity and severity, meeting the demand with an overall view, coordinated with other departments of the hospital to ensure a better, more effective result in terms of health and overall satisfaction of patients and their relatives.

The Department is involved in research work in Emergency Medicine and provides undergraduate, graduate and ongoing training.

Relevant aspects

Stroke code

Extra-hospital coordination Intra-hospital care and coordination

Monitoring Support and coordination for the specific stroke unit

Heart attack code

Activation within the department

Monitoring Support for specific haemodynamic units

PPT code

Extra-hospital coordination

Intra-hospital care and coordination


Code sepsis

Activation within the department 

Intra-hospital care and coordination



  • Hospitalisation with 16 decompensated chronic pathology that must be admitted for 72 hours.
Unitat de Curta Estada d'Urgències (UCEU)_urgències_hub

Therapeutic and diagnosis procedures

  • Electrical cardioversion.
  • Non-invasive/High-Flow mechanical ventilation.
  • Invasive mechanical ventilation.
  • Angioradiology.
  • Computerised AngioTomography.
  • Computerised Tomography.
  • Pulmonary ultrasound.
  • Ecocardiogram.
  • Abdominal ultrasound.
  • Vascular ultrasound.
  • Simple radiology.
  • Endoscopy.
  • Bronchoscopy.
  • Videolaryngoscopy.
  • Traumascopy.
Procediments terapèutics i de diagnosi_urgències_hub


Lines of research

  • Acute Heart Failure
  • Covid-19 infection
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Resource management
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Respiratory support therapies
  • Frailty in the elderly
  • Sepsis 
  • Rare diseases

Research groups

  • GROUP SIESTA (Spanish Investigators on Emergency Situations TeAm)

Main Publications

  • Albert A, Jacob J, Malchair P, Llopis F, Fuentes L, Martín C, García C, Rodríguez O, Ruibal JC, Martínez C, Fuentes E, Cordero M, Guillén L, Chamorro F, Quetglas S, Ferre C. Predictors of revisits within 1 year by patients after acute COVID-19: the HUBCOVID365 cohort study. Emergencias. 2022 Feb;34(1):38-46.
  • Jacob J, Fuentes E, Del Castillo JG, Bajo-Fernández I, Alquezar-Arbé A, García-Lamberechts EJ, Aguiló S, Fernández-Alonso C, Burillo-Putze G, Piñera P, Llorens P, Jimenez S, Gil-Rodrigo A, Tembleque-Sánchez JS, López-Diez MP, Iglesias-Vela M, Pérez-Costa RA, López-Pardo M, González-González R, Carrión-Fernández M, Escudero-Sánchez C, Adroher-Muñoz M, TrencEspañol P, Gayoso-Martín S, Sánchez-Sindín G, Cirera-Lorenzo I, Pazos-González J, Rizzi M, Llauger L, Miró Ò; EDEN Research Group. Use of diagnostic tests in elderly patients consulting the emergency department. Analysis of the emergency department and elder needs cohort (EDEN-8). Australas Emerg Care. 2024 Jul 3:S2588-994X(24)00040-X. doi: 10.1016/j.auec.2024.06.004.
  • Fuentes E, Jacob J, Del Castillo JG, Montero-Pérez FJ, Alquezar-Arbé A, García-Lamberechts EJ, Aguiló S, Fernández-Alonso C, Burillo-Putze G, Piñera P, Llauger L, Vázquez-Rey V, CarrascoFernández E, Juárez R, Blanco-Hoffman MJ, de Las Nieves Rodríguez E, Rios-Gallardo R, Berenguer-Diez MA, Guiu S, López-Laguna N, Delgado-Sardina V, Diego-Robledo FJ, Ezponda P, Martínez-Lorenzo A, Ortega-Liarte JV, García-Rupérez I, Borne-Jerez S, Gil-Rodrigo A, Llorens P, Miró Ò; EDEN Research Group. Use of resources in elderly patients consulting the emergency department: analysis of the Emergency Department and Elder Needs Cohort (EDEN-21). Intern Emerg Med. 2024 Jun 19. doi: 10.1007/s11739-024-03638-z.
  • Malchair P, Giol J, García V, Rodríguez O, Ruibal JC, Zarauza A, Llopis F, Matellán L, Bernal T, Solís B, Otero A, Carnaval T, Jofre H, Jacob J, Solanich X, Antolí A, Rocamora G, Videla S. Three-Day Icatibant on Top of Standard Care in Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pneumonia: A Randomized, Open-Label, Phase 2, Proof-of-Concept Trial. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 May 24;76(10):1784-1792. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac984.
  • Jacob J, Haro A, Tost J, Rossello X, Llorens P, Herrero P, Martín-Sánchez FJ, Gil V, López-Grima ML, Millán J, Aguirre A, Garrido JM, Calvo-Rodríguez R, Pérez-Llantada E, Sánchez-Nicolás JA, Mir M, Rodríguez-Adrada E, Fuentes-De Frutos M, Roset A, Miró Ò. Short-term outcomes by chronic betablocker treatment in patients presenting to emergency departments with acute heart failure: BB-EAHFE. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care. 2022 Nov 2;11(10):761-771. doi: 10.1093/ehjacc/zuac100.


Degree Education

  • P. Malchair: Teaching professor and researcher (PDI). Subject: General Semiology and Clinical Propedeutics of the third degree of medicine. University of Barcelona, ​​Bellvitge Campus.
  • J. Jacob Rodríguez: Teaching professor and researcher (PDI). Subject: General Semiology and Clinical Propedeutics of the third degree of medicine. University of Barcelona, ​​Bellvitge Campus.
  • J. Jacob Rodríguez: Teaching Collaborator. Degree: Medicine, Subject: Emergency Medicine, University of Barcelona, Bellvitge Campus.
  • F. Llopis Roca: Teaching Collaborator. Degree: Medicine, Subject: Emergency Medicine, University of Barcelona, Bellvitge Campus.
  • J.Giol Amich: Teaching Collaborator. Degree: Medicine, Subject: Emergency Medicine, University of Barcelona, Bellvitge Campus.
  • JR. Pérez-Mas: Teaching Collaborator. Degree: Medicine, Subject: Emergency Medicine, University of Barcelona, Bellvitge Campus.
  • FX. Palom Rico: Teaching Collaborator. Degree: Medicine, Subject: Emergency Medicine, University of Barcelona, Bellvitge Campus

Master's degrees and accredited courses

  • J. Jacob Rodríguez. Master's Degree in Urgent Care and Emergencies University of Barcelona. J. Teaching professor. J. Jacob Rodríguez. Master's Degree in Integral Urgent Care and Emergencies from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Update on Emergencies and Medical Emergencies. Made at the Institute of Medical Studies - IEM. F. Llopis Roca. Master's Degree in Emergency Medicine Official College of Doctors of Barcelona. Teaching professor 
  • J. Jacob Rodríguez. Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Course in Emergency, aimed at the staff of the Catalan Institute of Health, organized by the Bellvitge University Hospital.
  • M Carrizosa Bach; A. Rebollo Curbelo. Pathology course of low complexity in the Emergency Department, aimed at the staff of the Catalan Institute of Health, organized by the Bellvitge University Hospital. P. Malchair; J. Jacob Rodríguez; FX Palom Rico;
  • F. Llopis Roca; I. Cabello Zamora; M Carrizosa Bach; E Fuentes González; T Haro Bosch; C. Martínez Muñoz; JR. Pérez-Mas; A. Rebollo Curbelo, O. Rodríguez Cortez; A. Striped rosette; JC. Ruibal Suárez; A.M. Serra Segués Refresher Course in Emergency Medicine for the staff of the Catalan Health Institute, organized by the Bellvitge University Hospital. Annual editions.
  • Postgraduate course in Initial Emergency Care, organized by the Collegiate Studies Center of the College of Doctors of Barcelona and the University of Barcelona. Participation as authors in the theoretical program, 2023-2024 edition: Dr. Pierre Malchair, Dr. Javier Jacob Rodríguez, Dr. Irene Cabello Zamora, Dr. Alejandro Roset, Dr. Concepción Martínez, Dr. Marco Cordero, Dr. Alexis Rebollo, Dr. Mar Carrizosa, Dr. Lluisa Guillem, Dr. Antonio Haro.
  • Postgraduate course in Initial Emergency Care, organized by the Collegiate Studies Center of the Barcelona Medical College. Participation as a teacher of the theoretical part (32 students/year): The entire emergency medical team.
  • Master's Degree in Integral Assistance in Emergency and Emergencies 2022 - 2024, organized by the Institute of Medical Studies - IEM in collaboration with Ramón Llull University. Participation as a teacher of the practical part (15 students/year): The entire emergency team. Resident tutors: Family and community medicine: Dra. Mar Carrizosa Bach, 2020-2023. Dr. Jordi Giol Amich, 2020-2023. Dr. Ferran Llopis Roca, 2020-2022. Dr. Orlando Rodriguez, 2022-2023. Dr. José Carlos Ruibal, 2022-2023. Legal and forensic medicine: Dr. Antonio Haro Bosch, 2022-2023.
  • Postgraduate degree in medical and surgical updates HUB – UB (2020-2023). Course coordinator and main speaker: Dr. Pierre Malchair. Speakers: Dr. Antonio Haro Bosch, Dr. Javier Jacob
  • Pulmonary ultrasound in the emergency room. ICS file number: 15148.
  • Emergencies in Neurology. Clinical Keys Edition 1. Together with the neurology service.
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Technosurgical Building of the Bellvitge University Hospital*

c/ Residencia , 15.

08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona

Floor 0

Telephone number 93 260 75 75 / 93 260 78 68


*Entrance through the back of the hospital grounds


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