27 July 2023

According to the results of the APRIL study, in which the Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB) and IDIBELL have participated, ApTOLL has shown good safety in 151 patients with acute ischaemic stroke. The study also highlights that preliminary efficacy results show that the drug significantly reduces mortality and long-term functional disability.

18 July 2023
A clinical trial at the Bellvitge University Hospital and the ICO evaluates the benefits of this procedure Ablation of the tumour with alternating current has already been applied in 35 women as part of a trial that is still ongoing The first results suggest that radiofrequency may be more precise and at the same time less invasive than surgery in early stages of cancer
30 June 2023
The Bellvitge University Hospital held its Research Session and Delivery of Research Grants on Thursday, 29th June. In addition to serving, as is customary every year, to formally present the various grants from the Research Committee to the professionals of the hospital, the day also provided an opportunity to showcase the outcomes of two completed projects. The event featured Dr Miguel Cainzos-Achirica, a cardiologist and researcher at Parc de Salut Mar, who spoke about the utilization of Big Data in cardiovascular research.
27 June 2023

The upgraded features of the application encompass real-time operation monitoring, appointment scheduling, online procedures, and navigation within the hospital's premises Users can now access 'El meu quiròfan' (my operating room), a dedicated section offering expert information on the hospital's key surgeries, providing patients with guidance throughout the surgical journey The latest iteration of the hospital's official mobile app is now accessible on both the Android and Apple app stores

15 June 2023
The incoming manager will succeed Montserrat Figuerola, who is set to retire on June 30. Figuerola was honoured during today's presentation event marking the transition.
02 June 2023

Dr Pere Cardona, coordinator of Neurovascular Pathology and the Stroke Unit at the Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB), addressed the risk factors, symptoms, treatment, and specific prevention of this disease in women during a conference at the Palmira Domènech center in El Prat de Llobregat on June 1st.

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