Corporate Social Responsibility

Bellvitge University Hospital aims to be a socially responsible organisation that strives to improve the quality of life of the community. That is why one of its strategic goals is to develop a culture of transparency and social responsibility. In this frame, the centre carries out several actions aimed at users, professionals and commitment to the environment and society.

Our hospital pursues an active strategy for environmental sustainability and resource optimisation. In line with the concept of Caring for People | Caring for the Planet, measures have been implemented which can be categorised according to 4 R's of sustainability: Rethink, Recycle, Reduce and Reuse.


We carry out awareness campaigns to make everyone feel the importance of their individual role in this area. In this way, we seek everyone's collaboration to achieve the goals of the other R’s. We have recently carried out the campaign for the Environment Day as well as the campaign for the rational use of water. Here you can find an interactive infographic with tips on how to help preserve the environment 

We recycle

In the last quarter of 2022 we installed containers for batteries. And, at the beginning of 2023 we have installed Reciclos recycling machines for plastic and cans. We also produce information material for professionals on the optimal management of healthcare waste.

We reduce

In order to reduce the waste generation, several measures have been implemented, such as the installation of 4 drinking water fountains in the hospital’s cafeteria and the provision of a reusable bottle for all the centre's professionals. This has also encouraged the use of packaging in sustainable formats. Other actions being carried out to reduce the hospital's ecological footprint include: cancelling the irrigation during drought episodes; the project to install photovoltaic solar panels on roofs (aiming to achieve up to 5% of the consumption); the installation of low-consumption lighting and lights switched on by presence; the lighting control system and automatic regulation of the light level; the switching off of surveillance lights at night; and the automatic start-up of the coolers.

Medi ambient HUB

In line with the sustainability strategy "Caring for People | Caring for the Planet", in 2022 we participated jointly with the South Metropolitan Primary Care (APMS for its acronym in Catalan) in the European Week for Waste Reduction with an ICS’s circular economy project. Specifically, we have given a second life to sheets from Bellvitge Hospital. With the participation of Fundació Engrunes, up to 3,000 kg of textile have been reused to replace up to 300,000 plastic bags from the hospital and the APMS. Watch the video here

economia circular ICS Bellvitge

As we act "Caring for People | Caring for the Planet", since July 2022, we donate to local social organisations food surpluses, such as unopened packaged dishes or menus that are not served, always ensuring food security. As part of this initiative, the HUB has signed an agreement with Pont Alimentari project, which sends the surplus food to Fundació La Vinya and Fundació Àurea, non-profit organisations that help people in vulnerable situations in Hospitalet de Llobregat. After the first half year, food wastage had already been significantly reduced, with 3,796 rations having been given out.

Medi ambient HUB

  • Bellvitge University Hospital has signed an agreement with the association Música en vena to humanise hospital stays through live music for patients, relatives and professionals. Música en Vena is a non-profit organisation that promotes the use of music for therapeutic purposes. The project involves a mini-concert every month in the hospital. The micro-concerts are mainly aimed at patients and their families, although the centre's professionals can also enjoy them. The performances are given by volunteer musicians who play several musical genres and are adapted to the specific needs of each environment.
Música en vena HUB

Bellvitge University Hospital, in collaboration with scientific societies and patient associations, organises several activities open to the public throughout the year. The aim is to raise public awareness and provide health education in relation to chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, heart failure, smoking, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and kidney failure, among others. The offer includes educational workshops, social awareness days, targeted activities and patient forums.

Jornades amb pacients HUB

  • Bellvitge Art is the artistic-cultural area of Bellvitge University Hospital. Since December 1989, this pioneering initiative in the hospital network in Catalonia and Spain has been promoting artistic events of all kinds at the centre. Its main activity is the organisation of plastic arts exhibitions in two spaces: the foyer of the Outpatients' Department building and the ground floor of the main building.
  • We are convinced that the continuous collaboration of painters, drawers, photographers, sculptors, craftsmen, musicians, ceramists and other artists helps to make the stay of the patients more comfortable and is a motivating factor for the professionals. Since everything that an institution displays speaks in some way of its character, Bellvitge Art aims to be an expression of the professionals’ commitment to sensitivity and to a more humane form of medicine.

  • The Hospital collaborates with local organisations and promotes institutional and professional participation in international cooperation and solidarity initiatives.
Cooperació HUB

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