Improving the patient experience

Creating friendlier spaces

Improving the environment=improving health

"A friendly space reduces the patients' stress and stimulates their recovery".

For some years now, Bellvitge University Hospital has been immersed in a process of improving its environment through various initiatives:

  • Therapeutic folders to improve the hospital stay.
  • Volunteer Programme
  • BookCrossing points in the waiting rooms.
  • Therapeutic writing RELAT-Hos project
  • Focus groups for process and document assessment
  • Incorporation of the patient experience in new space and document design and processes
  • Good Practice Handbook for healthcare professionals
  • Night-time rest improvement project
  • Transformation of the ICU’s 64 boxes with sensory elements - lights, projections, sounds, vibrations, aiming at achieving both functional and cognitive rehabilitation of the patient.

The project was created with the aim of making the hospital stay more entertaining by sharing these therapeutic folders. They include reading material, games, crosswords, mandalas to colour in and other entertaining documents. The folders are handed out by the infirmary when it is detected that a person may find them useful to make their stay in hospital more pleasant.

Carpetes terapèutiques HUB

The project was born with the aim of improving the hospital stay of outpatients and their relatives or visitors by providing them with books and magazines that they can read during their stay. In addition to reading in the waiting rooms, users can take the books home and return them on their next visit by leaving them in trays located in these new reading areas. Moreover, users can also take books from home and add them to the reading spots so that others can read them.

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intercanvi de llibres HUB

Since November 2022, Bellvitge University Hospital has had the first PET/MRI available in the Spanish public healthcare network. It is the most advanced diagnostic imaging technology and is available to the entire public health system in Catalonia. The centre incorporates elements of ambience that connect it with the Llobregat Delta, the natural and industrial area closest to the hospital. These are presented as both decoration features and games, inviting us to identify different elements of the same Delta theme in each space (flowers, planes, boats, birds....) and offers us the opportunity to expand the information on the diversity of this natural space by QR codes.

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Created in 2009 within the framework of the Functional Patient Safety Units project promoted by the Department of Health.

It has several goals:

  • To promote a culture of patient safety enabling the identification and analysis of adverse events, providing solutions to prevent and correct them. To develop safe practices through training and to design protocols and procedures that improve patient safety.
  • To monitor by indicators the safety of the care process.
  • Promote research, teaching and innovation in patient safety.
Unitat de Qaulitat i Seguretat de pacients HUB

The Illustrated Good Practice Handbook is a document created with the aim of participation, open to professionals and users of our hospital, focusing on the values with which we identify as an institution. The Manual contains up to 67 good practices grouped into 12 concepts. Note that, for the illustrations, the creative talent of the HUB staff has been valued put into play.

Manual HUB

Bellvitge University Hospital launched the RELAT-Hos project at the end of 2017 as part of its global humanisation plan aimed at patients, relatives and professionals. Promoted by the Nursing Department, the proposal invites inpatients to express their emotions, feelings or concerns through a story. By starting to write, the patient acquires a new identity, that of a storyteller. Through it, they feel being as a part of an unexpected and different project, one that helps their recovery. All the stories make up a book that is given as a gift to other patients who wish to read it during their stay. In it, they find a distraction, entertainment or a source of inspiration.

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relathos HUB

According to the scientific literature, between 30% and 50% of patients in intensive care develop the so-called post-ICU syndrome, a set of physical, cognitive and emotional symptoms caused by admission that lead to a significant deterioration in quality of life after discharge. In order to mitigate this, Bellvitge Hospital has transformed the 64 boxes of its Intensive Care Unit with the incorporation of sensory elements (lights, projections, sounds, vibrations). The aim is to achieve both functional and cognitive rehabilitation of critical patients.

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Boxs multisensorials UCI Hospital de Bellvitge

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