Interview with Victor Pérez Gea, Author of El DAI inesperado (From My Room Vol. 1, p. 135)

-How did your first contact with the RELAT-Hos project come about?
In 2017, I was admitted to Bellvitge Hospital to have an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) fitted. Since I was moving around quite a bit while there, I believe I mentioned to someone that I was working on writing a book - which I am still in the process of. Afterward, Antonia approached me and informed me that she was putting together a book where patients could express their feelings, with the aim of providing support to other patients through shared experiences. I thought, if possible, I'd like to contribute my writing, and that's what I did. In short, I became acquainted with RELAT-Hos because Antonia invited me to share my story.
Interview with Davinia Maldonado Gómez, author of Unas Navidades diferentes (Desde mi habitación, Vol. I, P. 119)

-How did your first contact with the RELAT-Hos project come about? How did you come to know about it?
I was in hospital for Christmas, a bit over twenty days. I was offered the chance to take part in the project, which was just starting at the time. I had been in hospital for a few days, I was bored and it seemed like a good idea. This was in 2018, in the first edition of RELAT-Hos. At that time it was not known when or how it would be published, it was new to everyone.
Interview with Yolanda Garmón Simón, relathor of Algunas de mis reflexiones (Desde mi habitación Vol. 1, page 107)

-What was your first thought when got to know about the RELAT-HOS project?
Y.G. I got to know it when I was admitted to Bellvitge Hospital. I was being taken for an X-ray in a wheelchair when I saw it. I really liked the name of the project, so once I was back in my room, I sent my father to reception to get me all the information.
Interview with Francesc Cabeza, relathor of Nunca nadie tan desconocido fue tan cercano (Desde mi habitación Vol. 1, page 113)

-What was your thought when got to know about the RELAT-HOS project?
It was early October 2018. I had had a surgery for two or three days for an upper aortic aneurysm. Although my legs were not shaking before the surgery, afterwards, on reflection, you realise that this was an important moment in your life. Then I received a presentation sheet about RELAT-Hos. I thought it was a good time to think a bit on what had happened to me and to try and help other people who may think, as I did, that nothing serious would ever happen to them. That is to say, I thought I could also help other people to do some thinking and frame the situation they might be going through.
Interview with Sergi Ferri, relathor of El neumólogo y la mantis religiosa (Desde mi habitación Vol. 1, page 107)

What did you think when you had your first contact with the RELATO-Hos project? How did you get to know it?
- My first contact with the RELAT-Hos project was when I was surprised by a poster of it. I thought “What an initiative!” However, I had no intention of participating back then. While I was in hospital, a friend from Valencia was here with me, and she was the one who insisted that I should take part in the project. "You're in hospital and you're not doing anything. Why don't you write, so you can make the most of your stay and have a better time?" The truth is that the possibility of writing had never crossed my mind, but my friend encouraged me a bit and in a couple of nights, I had the story written.
Interview with Juan de Dios Romero Lorenzo, relathor of Crónica de una intervención programada (Desde mi habitación Vol. 1, page 67)

- What did you think when you had your first contact with the RELATO-Hos project? How did you get to know it?
- I underwent surgery at the Bellvitge Hospital in 2017, when RELAT-Hos had not yet been launched. A year later, in 2018, my wife had a surgery for breast cancer and it was then that I saw the poster about the project. In fact, I had written the story when I was in hospital back in 2017. The first thing I asked my family for when they took me up to the ward was a notebook and a pen. In the end I didn't use them: I was lying on my back and I wrote the story on the phone (I was in hospital for 15 days and as I had to be on my back, I found it more useful to write on my mobile phone).
Interview with M. Carme Anguera Martí, relathor of Un any diferent, published en Desde mi habitación Vol. 1 (page. 67)

- What did you think when you had your first contact with the RELATO-Hos project? How did you get to know it?
I saw an ad hanging on the wall of the entrance to the rooms. Usually, I don't pay much attention such things, because hanging around there is a lot of information I’m not really interested in. But since I went by that wall several times, the ad started to catch my attention and, finally, I thought, why not? Shall I try it? I asked for a pen (I didn't have one) and paper, and I got down to it. I never thought, that it would be published in a book, though.
Interview with Carol Simón, relathor of Yo, mi, me, con… vosotros, included in the first volume of "Desde mi habitación" (page 47)

- What did you think when you had your first contact with the RELATO-Hos project?
My first thought when my daughter offered me the opportunity to write was that it was a blessing. She was in the hospital bed with a pneumothorax and I was suffering by her. Writing a story was an opportunity to divert my thoughts. My daughter had found the RELAT-Hos advertisement in the corridor when she was taken for an x-ray and did not hesitate to give me that business.
Interview with Xavier Gaja, relathor of Poniendo orden, llegué al hospital, included in the first volume of “Desde mi habitación (pg. 11)
What did you think when you had your first contact with the RELAT-Hos project? How did you get to know it?
I remember being admitted one afternoon for tests. In my room, I had a 92-year-old roommate. He was a bit nervous and we started to chat a bit. He explained to me that he had fallen while changing a light bulb. Afterwards, while I was having dinner, I followed the conversation between him and his daughter, a woman perhaps in her fifties
Interview with a Anna Belén Torondell Capdevila, relathor of Un gir inesperat, included in the first volume of “Desde mi habitación” (page 35)
What did you think when you had your first contact with the RELAT-Hos project? How did you get to know it?
Anna Belén Torondell.- It was the first day I could leave my hospital room, only 45 days later. Anything I could do outside those four walls felt experimental and rewarding to me. That’s when I saw the RELAT-Hos information sheet on one of the walls of the unit and it really caught my attention. Then I asked myself “what does it mean?”
Interview with M. Carmen Carbonero García, relathor of Ardillas en mi habitación, included in the first volume of "Desde mi habitación" (page 37)
What did you think when you first came into contact with the RELAT-Hos project? How did you get to know it?
My story with the RELAT-Hos project is a bit special. In 2019, when the first volume of stories was published, it was a couple of years since my father had suffered a very severe stroke that left him in a coma for a month, but from which he fortunately woke up...
Interview with David Herrera, relathor of Before, after y volver a empezar
What did you think when you had your first contact with the RELATO-Hos project? How did you discover it?
I was admitted to the hospital on February 5, 2018 after a heart attack and not really knowing how I would leave it. A friend, who was visiting me, told me that she had seen a RELAT-Hos poster. I don't know how I understood that at that point, because I thought it was a project from the year before and that it was over. I wrote the first short story in the time while they were deciding what to do with me...
Interview with Joan Guasch Cuscó, relathor of Sueños que podrían ser reales

What did you think when you had your first contact with the RELATO-Hos project? How did you discover it?
From March 18 to June 17, 2019, I stayed on different floors of the hospital. I still remember that the 12th floor was where I stayed the longest, specifically in room 1218. There, I had a notebook where I would write down my impressions every day. The nurses and the nursing assistants realised it, as well as Dr. Imma Grau Garriga and her assistants. I think there was a lot of talk about my writing and I guess Mrs. Antonia Castro got wind of it. One day, she came and explained that the hospital was inviting patients to take part in Relat-Hos project...
Interview with Agustín Casas, relator of Pensaments
What did you think when you had your first contact with the RELATO-Hos project? How did you discover it?
I found out about RELAT-Hos from the cover sheet that was in my hospital room. It had arrived in the morning and in the afternoon I began to browse through it - I'm quite curious. It caught my interest and I asked for more information. They told me that by chance the person in charge of the project was working on my floor and that she would come around midnight...
Interview to Queralt Rubio, autor of Viaje Astral

Do you remember how you found out about the RELATO-Hos project?
I was diagnosed with cancer just after a trip to Chile. And it all happened so fast. This week I was undergoing a lot of medical examinations, and the next one I was already having an operation. The day after the surgery,
my father brought me the RELATO-Hos leaflet. I was so tired that I glanced at it and told him ‘Thanks dad! Leave it here and I'll look at it later’. I started to read it the next day and thought ‘I’m going to give it a try’. Then, I remember writing several drafts. But I didn't like any of them, so they all ended up in the paper bin...