Featured Actions
- Professional development
- Equality Plan
- Program You are not alone
- Reading Club
- Improvement in patient experience
- Patient safety
- Social volunteering
- Coral Respira Bellvitge
- Project "De viva veu"
- Music in vein
- RELAT-hos Project
Experts and stakeholders must promote motivation, well-being and equal opportunities
We are committed to professional development

We promote a culture of learning and development of professionals. As a knowledge hospital, we generate and share it. We have the ability to learn and unlearn to adapt to the continuous challenges that arise.
We use different transformation and continuous improvement tools. All this entails the direct involvement of professionals in decision-making.
We identify internal talent, recognize it and make it grow by facilitating participation in the different projects according to interests. We offer possibilities for promotion and professional projection.
The high level of commitment of professionals is the result of the great vocation of service to patients and families in an atmosphere of cordiality. We exercise close and inclusive leadership, whose main objective is the well-being of people.
Equality Plan
On May 7, 2021, the ICS approved the II Equality Plan, negotiated and agreed with all union organizations, which keeps alive the principles of its predecessor. It includes actions and approaches distributed in seven areas of action such as institutional culture and organizational measures, remuneration policy and structure and working conditions, as well as changes in work activity caused by the arrival of the pandemic, such as teleworking or conciliation and co-responsibility in terms of care.
One of the main objectives of the Plan is to promote the necessary structural and cultural changes in order to achieve an equitable, fair and equitable distribution of resources, work and time available, among all the people who are part of the institution. Among the novelties regarding the previous one, the new Plan is committed to highlighting the female leadership of the organization, and to promoting and giving tools to women to exercise it.
Also, for the first time, special attention is paid to the LGBTI community in the prevention of sexual harassment based on sex or sexual orientation and gender identity, maintaining the prevention and approach of sexist violence and also the fight to eradicate the pay gap and care for single-parent families.

Program 'You are not alone'

Program to support professionals in reducing the emotional and work-related impact caused by an adverse event, that is, any circumstance that has caused (or could have caused) unintended and unexpected harm to a patient as a result of healthcare.
Both patients and their families are the primary victims of an adverse event. However, they are not the only ones who suffer in such situations. The professionals involved are also emotionally affected by the experience, becoming secondary victims of the incident related to healthcare practice. The NES program is structured into three levels of intervention, depending on the degree of impact on the second victim, based on the premise that there are no good or bad emotions. It is positive to share them to receive the necessary help.
The program, promoted by the Healthcare Management of the HUB, has been designed with the participation of a large group of hospital professionals (Basic Prevention Unit, Psychiatry Department, and Clinical Quality and Safety Unit)
Reading club for professionals
The Bioethics Reading Club for professionals was launched in 2019 as part of the project "Read Before Healing," promoted by the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and the Catalan Society of Bioethics, to bring reading clubs to healthcare centers.
The project allows participants to share experiences with others and to understand the ideas and reflections that these experiences have sparked, which can help improve the relationship with patients.
So far, five editions of the Reading Club have been held, gathering professionals from different backgrounds once a month to share reflections and impressions about a book. In several instances, these sessions have been enhanced by the presence of the book’s author, thus providing the wonderful opportunity for direct interaction between the author and the reader.

Patients and their needs must always be at the centre of our actions
Improvement of the patient experience
More Accessibility. The Hospital is committed to the continuous improvement of surgical waiting lists, tests, and outpatient consultations, focusing on enhanced management and innovative strategies such as telemedicine and virtual consultations.
Better Care. The Hospital implements various initiatives to achieve more personalized, empathetic, respectful, compassionate, and supportive care. The aim is to drive a cultural change within the organization to enhance patients' experiences.
More Welcoming Environments. We are engaged in a process of improving the hospital environment and updating the overall signage plan. This preparation process has included organizing focus groups with the participation of professionals, visitors, and patients to identify all areas for improvement. The new signage incorporates various elements that enhance the user experience through the use of colors and graphic elements from the environment.
Participation. The Hospital promotes user participation in various aspects of management and care.They have participated in the strategic plan and in focus groups for the improvement of circuits and specific areas. The goal is for them to play a leading role in process management, a model that seeks to improve efficiency and adapt to real needs.
Evaluation. Exploring and assessing the patient experience to incorporate it into decision-making.

Patient Quality and Safety Unit
Created in 2009 within the framework of the project of functional patient safety units promoted by the Department of Health, it has several objectives:
To promote a culture of patient safety that enables the identification and analysis of adverse events, providing solutions to prevent and correct them.
To develop safe practices through training and the creation of protocols and procedures that enhance patient safety.
To monitor the safety of the care process using indicators.
To promote research, teaching, and innovation in patient safety.


The Bellvitge Hospital launched the Social Volunteer Program years ago, which brings together volunteers who carry out social and care tasks for hospitalized patients and their families (support, companionship, assistance, etc.) and manage the library service for patients.
This Volunteer Program is coordinated by the Citizen Care and Participation Unit.
Coral Bellvitge Respira
It is a choral singing program carried out in collaboration with the Palau de la Música Catalana that aims to demonstrate the value of art as a non-pharmacological therapeutic alternative, which contributes to improving the quality of life and symptoms in patients with chronic respiratory pathology.
This project is the first result of the collaboration agreement signed between the ICS and the Palau de la Música Catalana to carry out initiatives integrated into the Arts in Health strategy, based on the contributions of the arts in the treatment of diseases and in interventions for prevention and promotion of health.
A total of 12 patients from the Bellvitge University Hospital with different chronic respiratory diseases in a stable phase have participated in this program that aims to assess the impact of choral singing on improving quality of life, psychoemotional status and patient symptoms for the first time in Spain, following the ICS medical research standards and the impact model for improving personal, social, and emotional skills of Palau Vincles, the social project of the Palau de la Música Catalana.

Live voice
Thanks to the collaboration agreement between Bellvitge Hospital and the Bellvitge Library, which is part of the library network of the Diputació de Barcelona and the libraries of L'Hospitalet, a monthly reading of literary excerpts takes place in various care spaces within Bellvitge Hospital. The initiative "De viva veu" is supported by the emotional and cognitive benefits that reading aloud can provide to patients.
The emotional and cognitive benefits of reading aloud have been studied for centuries from multiple approaches linked to neurosciences or anthropology, among others. In fact, as the American essayist Meghan Cox Gurdon says in his book "The magic of reading aloud" in the 2nd century, a Greek physician named Antyllus prescribed daily recitation to his patients as a healthy treatment, emphasizing the therapeutic virtues of epic verses.

Music in vein

The Bellvitge University Hospital has a collaboration agreement with the association Música en Vena to humanize hospital stays through live music for patients, families, and professionals.
Música en Vena is a non-profit organization that promotes the use of music for therapeutic purposes. The project includes a small concert every month in a care space of the hospital. The small concerts are primarily aimed at patients and their families, although the professionals at the center can also enjoy them. Performances are provided by volunteer musicians who play various musical genres and adapt to the specific needs of each environment.
The initiative started in 2018, with singer-songwriter Marina Rosell inaugurating the musical interventions of Música en Vena at the Bellvitge University Hospital.
RELAT-hos Project
Bellvitge University Hospital launched the RELAT-Hos project at the end of 2017 as part of its global humanization plan aimed at patients, families, and professionals. Promoted by the Nursing Department, the initiative invites hospitalised patients to express their emotions, feelings or concerns through a story. By starting to write, the patient acquires a new identity, that of "relathador", with which he feels part of a different project, which was not expected and which becomes part of his recovery.
All the stories are included in a book that is given to other patients interested in reading it during their stay, who, in turn, find distraction, entertainment, or inspiration. Soon, we will present the fourth volume.