Featured Actions
Newsletter Fes Salut
Health Classroom
Podcast Veus de Bellvitge
Webapp el Meu Quirófan
Debunking a myth
Cycles and talks
Patients' Days
Promotion of scientific vocations
Collaboration in pedagogical projects

Fes Salut
New electronic newsletter aimed at patients, families and citizens in general with the aim of combating disinformation, a serious problem that can lead to erroneous decisions on health. With this new newsletter, entitled “Fes Salut”, the Bellvitge University Hospital aims to provide reliable and useful information for patients and families, helping them to make informed decisions and to follow the treatments correctly.
It includes the interview in podcast format "Veus de Bellvitge", highlighted by the Health Classroom and Debunking a myth, as well as a Health Recipe of the project of the annual program #12MesosXlaSalutMental, which has the altruistic participation of prominent chefs who prepare healthy recipes with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of food for mental health.
“Fes Salut” also gives prominence to the participation and collaboration of citizens in the initiatives of the Bellvitge Hospital. One of these is the Relat-hos project, of humanization through creative writing, with stories written by patients of the center during their hospital admission. Each month an author and his story will be highlighted.
In addition, the agenda of activities for patients organized by the HUB and other news of interest is disseminated.
“Fes Salut” is published monthly in Catalan and Spanish, and can be subscribed to the form on this link: https://ja.cat/FemSalutHUB
Health Classroom
A complete web space that includes more than 150 contents with information of interest on diseases, medical tests and health advice in various areas elaborated by professionals of the Bellvitge Hospital that continues to grow day by day in content and applications.
It includes descriptions, infographics and videos, as well as interviews with experts and other news of interest.
It is designed to be accessible to everyone without the need to have medical knowledge, with the aim of providing tools for better health care.
Veus de Bellvitge

Video podcast of own production specialized in health and well-being. This new format of dissemination was born with the aim of becoming an educational resource in health based on rigorous information, following the principle of prevention and health promotion of the Catalan Institute of Health.
Each episode of “Veus de Bellvitge” is a deep immersion in a specific topic of health through interviews with professionals from the HUB, led by Pau Vancells Luján, pharmacist of the Pharmacy Service of the HUB. With a production entirely in charge of the Communication and Institutional Relations Office of the HUB, the video podcast includes visual elements that enrich the understanding of the content.
El meu quiròfan
Pioneering digital tool to improve the accompaniment of surgical patients and disseminate knowledge about the latest innovations in the field of surgery.
Through ''El Meu Quiròfan', you will discover the type of approach to each surgery, the essential preoperative tests and tips for a rapid and optimal postoperative recovery.
This initiative offers valuable information and audiovisual content co-created by expert professionals from all the surgical services of the center

Debunking a myth

Digital project that was born from the proposal of the medical and nursing teams of the Bellvitge Hospital to dismantle popular beliefs about diseases and disorders. All the information has been reviewed by the hospital’s health professionals to ensure its veracity and usefulness.
For now, myths have been dismantled about stroke, Parkinson's disease, gambling addiction, cephalalone, epilepsy, renal failure, asthma, pacemakers, thyroid disease, extracorporeal cardiorespiratory support, electroconvulsive therapy, lymphedema in breast cancer treatment, neurosmachine, melanoma,Morton's neuroma, schizophrenia, dementia, Eating Behaviour Disorders, Pharmacotherapy and Obesity.
Cycles of talks
Bringing health knowledge closer to our reference area is the goal of the cycles and talks we regularly hold on various pathologies. For several years, we have been participating in the Health Classroom of the Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat, where different specialists provide information about a disease and answer any questions that may arise in a friendly environment.
"I Have a Question" is a series of talks that we have co-organized since early 2024 with the Bellvitge Library. The main objective of this collaboration is to provide the community with simple and accessible answers about common diseases related to respiratory, neurological, cardiovascular, and mental health, among others, in a relaxed format that fosters connection with the social fabric of the Bellvitge neighborhood.
Additionally, hospital professionals participate in various talks and forums on a more occasional basis to share their health knowledge with the community.

Patients' Days

The Bellvitge University Hospital, in collaboration with scientific societies and patient associations, organizes various activities open to the public throughout the year.
The goal is to raise awareness among the population and provide health education regarding chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart failure, smoking, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and kidney failure, among others.
The offerings include educational workshops, social awareness days, guided activities, and patient forums.
Promotion of scientific vocations

Young Summer Challenge (BIYSC): Seven students from around the world are immersing themselves in transplants during a stay at Bellvitge Hospital organized by the Fundació Catalunya la Pedrera. Seven pre-university students aged between 16 and 18 from Saudi Arabia, Chile, Mexico, China, Norway, Canada, and Spain have been selected to participate in the program “The Medicine Behind Organ Transplantation” organized by Bellvitge Hospital.
Under the direction of the Nephrology Service (Dr. Sergi Codina) and in collaboration with the Urology Service (Dr. Maria Fiol) and the Transplant Coordination Service (Dr. Laura Anguela and Dr. Stephani Luna), the students have learned about the entire process behind kidney transplantation by interacting with professionals, receiving personalized workshops in resuscitation, renal ultrasound, biopsies, dialysis, sutures, and witnessing two live robotic surgeries for living donor kidney transplants. This year marks the fourth edition of the project.
Youth for Medicine: Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB) is one of six major hospitals in the metropolitan area of Barcelona that annually participates in the training of 155 high school students from all over Catalonia within the “Youth for Medicine” program, promoted by the Fundació Catalunya la Pedrera. The students have gained close insight into how work is conducted in a hospital, from patient care to research. They experience how different diseases are diagnosed and managed, and what research is being carried out to better understand them and achieve more effective treatments.
Crazy for Science: At Bellvitge Hospital, a Nutrition course has been developed as part of this project, which is supported by the Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera and in collaboration with the Fundació Alícia. Twenty-five first-year high school students from across Catalonia have participated in 15 theoretical and practical sessions, totaling 60 hours of training.
The course was born with the idea of publicizing the multidisciplinary environment offered by nutrition and dietetics, where different disciplines converge to solve health-related problems. The main objective is to promote scientific vocations and promote the knowledge and and excellence in education for the youth of Catalonia.
Pedagogical projects

The Pathological Gambling Unit at Bellvitge Hospital, in collaboration with the Consell de l’Audiovisual de Catalunya (CAC) through the eduCAC program, has developed educational materials to promote healthy use and critical consumption of video games, as well as to prevent and identify problematic behaviors related to gaming and online betting.
The initiative is part of the educational unit “What’s at Stake?” (Que t'hi jugues?) aimed at students in 3rd and 4th year of secondary education (ESO). The activity, designed for classroom implementation, is aligned with the competencies of the Culture and Ethical Values (and Tutoring) areas of the secondary education curriculum.
The educational activities use external resources (articles, reports, etc.) and the students' experiences as starting points to encourage them to reflect on and become aware of the social and psychological functioning of video games and online gambling, with the goal of fostering responsible and critical consumption of entertainment.