22 February 2023

The President of the Government of Catalonia, Pere Aragonès, today awarded the Josep Trueta medals and plaques to outstanding professionals and organisations in the field of healthcare. The ceremony has been held at the Palau de la Generalitat. Among the awarded names, there is also Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB), which received a plaque in recognition of its task as a highest complexity reference centre for 2 million people. At the same event, Dr Mònica Povedano, head of section of the Neurology Service of the HUB, received one of the personal medals Josep Trueta.

15 November 2022

As a tribute to Bellvitge University Hospital on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, ONCE has marketed 5 million tickets with the image of the hospital for this Saturday’s draw (19 November).

28 October 2022

The auditorium of the University of Barcelona (UB) hosted yesterday afternoon a moving tribute of the UB to the Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB) on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. The solemn act was attended by some 300 people, with a wide representation of professionals from the hospital and the university, among others.

24 October 2022

In a ceremony held on 21 October, the Mayor of El Prat, Lluís Mijoler, presented the City Medal to Bellvitge Hospital on behalf of the city council. This recognition is a tribute to the work of the HUB in the medical field, as well as for the support of the public health system and the quality of life improvement with which this hospital has provided the citizenship.

25 July 2022

"Phew! How shameful, if it doesn’t light up... And, what if my legs fail me on the way...? This is how the publication "Bellvitge Informatiu" described what was going through Montserrat Fernández's mind as she carried the Olympic torch on behalf of Bellvitge Hospital.

There were quite a few professionals from the HUB, who volunteered for the Barcelona'92 Olympic Games, such a rewarding experience.

19 July 2022
The exhibition was presented today at an event attended by Nuria Marín, mayor of Hospitalet, and Yolanda Lejardi, managing director of the ICS.

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