The Southern Metropolitan Territorial Management signs agreement with the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce to promote innovation

- Innovation
A framework agreement has been approved between the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and the Southern Metropolitan Territorial Management of the Catalan Health Institute (GTMS-ICS) to promote innovation, academic collaboration, research, and knowledge transfer in the fields of health and integrated care, with a particular focus on the sustainability of the healthcare system.

The collaboration agreement is built upon three strategic pillars of the GTMS-ICS Innovation Model: innovation management, innovation ecosystem, and innovation culture. The agreement will also be in alignment with the Catalunya 2030-40 project, which is the strategic action plan for the current term of the Chamber. This plan outlines Catalonia's economic model for 2030 and 2040, with a particular focus on initiatives related to talent and innovation, startups, digitisation, internationalisation, and added value.

The framework agreement was signed at Bellvitge University Hospital on 11 December, in the presence of Ms. Eva Borràs i Balcells, Managing Director of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Xavier Ricart, Director of Competitiveness; and Mr. Vicente Atienza, Head of the Innovation Service. On behalf of the Southern Metropolitan Territorial Management, its manager Dr. Cristina Capdevila; Dr. Josep Comin, Director of Innovation, Research, and University of GTMS; and Mr. Roc Fages, Head of Open Innovation & Ecosystem at the Directorate of Innovation, Research, and University of GTMS.

In this manner, the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce becomes an integral part of the collaborators' ecosystem within GTMS-ICS, with the objective of establishing platforms for coordination to propose joint initiatives and projects that result in innovative solutions. It will also facilitate the dissemination and generation of new knowledge and shared solutions that incorporate the most innovative aspects of a new model of integrated, person-centred care.

On the other hand, the Chamber will engage with companies and startups in its ecosystem to facilitate the commercialization of innovation projects developed by GTMS-ICS. It will also collaborate on the joint development of activities, workshops, content, or innovation tours with the goal of disseminating knowledge and creating opportunities for innovation.

Both institutions convened on April 6, 2022, when the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and L'Hospitalet de Llobregat Chamber of Commerce acknowledged Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB) for its 50 years of commitment and dedication. This expression of gratitude took place in recognition of the centre's 50th anniversary. The Chambers also conveyed appreciation to the professionals at HUB for their dedication, capacity for care, and innovation during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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