16 transformative initiatives to be deployed in the ICS’s Southern Metropolitan Territorial Management within DAIPO project

- Innovation

Teams from Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB for its acronym in Catalan), Viladecans Hospital and Southern Metropolitan Primary Care (APMS for its acronym in Catalan) will cooperate for their deployment

A Project Management Office has been created within the Southern Metropolitan Territorial Management (GTMS for its acronym in Catalan) in order to support the clinical teams in the implementation of these innovation projects

The DAIPO project, an acronym for "New capabilities and digital transformation in the integrated care of patients with complex pathologies", is a further step towards the digital transformation of healthcare in the Catalan Health Institute’s Southern Metropolitan area. It provides value to patients and professionals, in line with the GTMS’s digital health strategy. Until May 2026, 8.7 million euros will be allocated to implement 16 transformative initiatives. This project is promoted and funded by the Catalan Health Institute and is part of the transformative projects of the SISCAT.

These include projects for territorial rehabilitation, morbid obesity, multiple sclerosis, ALS, dementia and chronic wounds. The DAIPO project relies on the integrated work between the teams of the devices of the ICS’s GTMS: Bellvitge University Hospital, Viladecans Hospital and South Metropolitan Primary Care. “There’s full commitment to developing these projects in order to meet the patients’ needs,” said territorial manager Dr Montserrat Figuerola.

The DAIPO project next steps were presented at an event in the Bellvitge Hospital’s auditorium. "DAIPO goes along with the GTMS Innovation strategy, which focuses on three pillars: integrated care, patient and family empowerment, and intelligent data usage to generate information for management, planning and evaluation, in addition to generating Artificial Intelligence algorithms," according to GTMS Director of Strategy, Innovation and Evaluation Dr Encarna Grifell. “Our goal is to improve health outcomes related to care quality and patient safety, patient experience and quality of life, as well as to have an impact on professionals and the organisation," said head of Innovation Development at GTMS Dr Gloria Torras.

New Project Management Office

"The Project Management Office’s (PMO) mission is to support the leaders of innovation projects in implementing the initiatives," stated Carmen Santamaria, head of this new innovation management structure, a pioneer in the healthcare sector.

The PMO will have new project manager profiles that will coordinate with the GTMS leaders to supervise the different components of the projects, including: process reengineering and patient experience; digital and multimedia content; the clinical sessions support platform system; healthcare equipment; technology and information systems; as well as the entire change management process enabling the implementation of the pilots.

The implementation of the 16 transformational initiatives within the framework of the DAIPO project will last until December 2025. In 2023 they are in the design and implementation phase, which will continue through 2024 and 2025 along with the execution of the pilots.

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