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This week we highlight
The Bellvitge University Hospital will have a top European High Precision Diagnostic Centre

The Bellvitge University Hospital will have a top European High Precision Diagnostic Centre
El Servei d'Anestesiologia lidera un estudi sobre la importància del valor de l'hemoglobina preoperatòria

El Servei d'Anestesiologia lidera un estudi sobre la importància del valor de l'hemoglobina preoperatòria
HUB educational talks continue in L’Hospitalet and El Prat to mark its 50th anniversary

HUB educational talks continue in L’Hospitalet and El Prat to mark its 50th anniversary
El Dr. Matias-Guiu presenta el projecte DigiPÀTICS en la jornada del Pla de Salut 2021-2025

El Dr. Matias-Guiu presenta el projecte DigiPÀTICS en la jornada del Pla de Salut 2021-2025
"Música en vena (Music Shot)" to humanise the stay of patients at the Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB)

"Música en vena (Music Shot)" to humanise the stay of patients at the Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB)
HUB professionals, featured in a L’H City Council campaign to mark the hospital's 50th anniversary

HUB professionals, featured in a L’H City Council campaign to mark the hospital's 50th anniversary
The funds raised by L'Hospitalet Night Run will be invested in creating comfort areas for HUB’s staff

The funds raised by L'Hospitalet Night Run will be invested in creating comfort areas for HUB’s staff
Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Salut Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge Bellvitge Hospital en xarxa
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