"Música en vena (Music Shot)" to humanise the stay of patients at the Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB)


The monthly live concerts in the Dialysis Unit and Day Hospital start again with the guitar player Miguel Moreno. These performances are possible thanks to the NGO Música en Vena (Catalan for “Music Shot). They are an initiative of the "HUBmanització" (HUBmanisation) project, which promotes the improvement of the care experience at Bellvitge Hospital.

Neuroscience has proven that music heals, i.e. it helps to speed up the recovery process and has positive effects on the emotional well-being of patients. This is precisely the aim of the non-profit association Música en vena. Within the framework of a collaboration with the Institut Català de la Salut, the HUB is once again scheduling concerts by top-quality musicians as a complementary therapy to the usual medical protocols.

Volunteer musicians of different musical style will lend their time and talent to patients and professionals at Bellvitge Hospital. The venues for the first performance of 2022 were the Dialysis Unit and the Day Hospital, with the guitar player and composer Miguel Moreno (Barcelona, 1977), who offered a repertoire focused on flamenco fusion.

This initiative was launched in 2018, with the singer-songwriter Marina Rosell inaugurating the musical interventions of Música en Vena at the HUB.

The non-profit association Música en Vena aims to transform the suffering of people in hospitals through the beauty of music and art, generating moments of harmony with artistic excellence and scientific rigour, through musical interventions with a positive impact on patients. They are currently promoting a clinical study to investigate the therapeutic effects on the improvement and well-being of patients during hospital stays, as well as working on the creation of their own replicable methodology.

What is "HUBmanisation"

One of the HUB’s strategic lines of action is humanisation: the improvement of the care experience from all perspectives, both from the patient's point of view, as well as that of families and professionals. The "HUBmanisation" project aims to achieve a more personalised, empathetic, respectful, compassionate and supportive care. The whole staff works to improve the experience and experiences of patients.

Besides "Música en vena", another consolidated humanisation project promoted by the HUB's Nursing Department, is also underway: RELAT-Hos. This explores the therapeutic value of writing by inviting inpatients to express their emotions, feelings or concerns through a short story during their hospital stay.

On 22 April, the day before the Diada de Sant Jordi, RELAT-Hos presents its third book, which includes a collection of 50 patient stories on the 50th anniversary of the Bellvitge University Hospital.

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