Symphony of Heroes, a fascinating project

Symphony of Heroes is a charity musical project led by Dr Andreu Gabarrós, head of the Neurosurgery Service at Bellvitge University Hospital. It gathers patients who have suffered a brain tumour. Dr Gabarrós and his band “Dorigen” have composed nine songs and a choral symphony. Besides this album of original songs, the project also consists of a documentary film and charity concert. The latter will take place on Thursday 11 May at 8 p.m., at the Teatre Joventut in the town of Hospitalet.

It will be a unique evening: the patients and the band Dorigen will perform. In addition, nine well-known artists will also participate. These will sing live along with the patients or “sponsor” some songs. Celebrities such as Ramon Mirabet; Manu Guix; Marina Rossell; Gerard Quintana; Estopa; Antonio Orozco, and Mago Pop will join this event hosted by Jordi Hurtado. The College of Physicians of Barcelona Orchestra, the choir Gregal dels Lluïsos de Gràcia, and Barcelona Biomedical Research Park’s choir will also take part. All of them participate in an entirely altruistic way.

Tickets for the presentation concert of Symphony of Heroes are available for €22 and can be purchased at this link. All funds raised from the concert will be donated to the search for brain tumours.

Donations can also be made to support this charity project. Make your donation here

Dr. Gabarrós composed each song specifically for each of these patients who have suffered from the disease and with whom he shares a passion for music. Later, he invited them to record them.

“When the magic of notes is a reparative path in the face of a serious illness”

Brain tumour surgeries are highly complex. Patients often recover slowly, and even change their personality, mind-set, worldview, or relationship with their family and friends. They become, in some way, another person. It is a very tough situation for them but also for those living with them. This project aims to pay tribute to them and raise awareness about a disease that has made progress in surgical resolution and survival. Nevertheless, much remains to be done in the field of research into treatments to slow down the evolution and recurrence of brain tumours. 100% of collected funds will go directly to brain tumour research. The project has the support of Bellvitge Biomedical Institute (IDIBELL) and the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO).

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