The University of Barcelona (UB) held yesterday, for the first time, an event to honour the contribution of its chairs to the fields of teaching and research. One of them is the one promoted by Bellvitge University Hospital and ABEX Excelencia Robótica to progress toward the clinical care of the future.
The HUB is the leading hospital in robotic surgery in Catalonia, with approximately 700 operations planned for 2022 with the three Da Vinci robots. With the vision of revolutionising the implementation of robotic surgery by promoting innovation, teaching and research to achieve an excellent care, the UB - HUB Chair in Robotic Surgery Abex, which is the only one currently active in Spain, was created in 2021.
Specifically, the UB-HUB Chair, attached to the Bellvitge Campus of the UB Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, is of a transversal nature. It promotes training mainly in five specialities, both in oncological and non-oncological pathology: digestive, thoracic, gynaecological, urological and otorhinolaryngological robotic surgery.
The chair is made up of a team of surgeons specialised in robotic surgery and its director is Dr Ricard Ramos. The chair’s facilities are located in the HUB's Surgical Block, as well as in the Centre for Advanced Medical and Surgical Simulation (SimHUB).
In addition to preparing current and future specialists in robotic surgery through teaching programmes and contributing to improving the quality of life of the patients, scientific debate is enhanced. Networks are also established with prestigious universities and national and international hospitals that have an intense robotic surgery activity.
Institutional gratitude
All the institutions and companies that collaborate with the University of Barcelona received a diploma as a token of the institution's gratitude. Dr Montserrat Figuerola, manager of the Southern Metropolitan Area of the Catalan Health Institute (ICS), received the recognition given to the HUB. For his part, Jesús García Hombrados represented the Chair's patron company, ABEX Excelencia Robótica, which specialises in biomedical technology and the development of robotic surgery programmes.
The Rector of the University of Barcelona closed the event by claiming the UB Chair model as a "success story". "The present is uncertain and random. Therefore, we need partners to create scenarios for the future and to identify opportunities," said Guàrdia.
"Every institution committed to its environment generates knowledge. Without you, there would be no miracle," concluded the Rector, referring to all the institutions and organisations that collaborate with the higher education institution. The University of Barcelona currently has 45 active UB chairs and classrooms.