Bellvitge Hospital’s Neurosurgical Training Programme of Bellvitge Hospital accredited in Latin America for its teaching excellence

- Certificacions

The Neurosurgery Service of the Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB) has been designated as a Reference Centre for rotations of young neurosurgeons of the member societies of the Latin American Federation of Neurosurgery (FLANC). This certification comes shortly after the accreditation of the Service as a European Centre Training of Excellence.

The Executive Committee of the FLANC has approved the accreditation of the Service as a Reference Centre for Neurosurgery after an in-depth analysis of the care, scientific and academic qualities to provide training at an international level.

In addition, the HUB’s Neurosurgery Residence Programme has been evaluated as well. In this regard, the president of the FLANC, Prof Dr Luis A. B. Borba, has stressed that the Neurosurgery Service of the HUB "guarantees a high-level scientific and academic neurosurgery training with the best quality and efficiency standards".

The FLANC Reference Centres host the rotations of residents and young surgeons belonging to the member societies of the federation. These include the most relevant societies in Latin America as well as the ones of Spain, Portugal and Italy.

Training of excellence both in Latin America and Europe

Recently, The European Association of Neurosurgery Societies (EANS) and the European Union of Medical Specialist (UEMS) have accredited the Neurosurgery Service of the HUB as a European Training Centre of Excellence. Currently, less than 20 major European hospitals have earned this certification.

Both accreditations place Bellvitge Hospital in the leading group of European and Latin American hospitals in terms of training, both at resident and post-resident level, in the key areas of neurosurgery. In addition, it also reaffirms the leadership of the HUB in terms of surgical, care and research activity

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