L'Hospitalet pays tribute to the victims of Covid-19 with a space that invites reflection at the Bellvitge Hospital

- Coronavirus

The Garden of Emotions is located at the entrance of the HUB's External Consultations building

It is a multidisciplinary artistic intervention presided over by a sculpture by Alfredo Sánchez

The L'Hospitalet City Council today presented the Garden of Emotions, a space located on the grounds of the Bellvitge University Hospital in memory of the people who have been victims of Covid-19 and which is also a tribute to essential professionals and to the general public for the collective effort made.The space receives the name of the virtual book that was enabled during the hardest moments of confinement and the pandemic so that citizens could express their feelings.

The presentation ceremony was attended by the mayor, Núria Marín; the manager of the Southern Metropolitan Territorial Management of the ICS, Montserrat Figuerola; the sculptor Alfredo Sánchez, and the artist Okara, representing the Monkey Fingers collective and the rest of the urban art artists who have participated in the project.

The Garden of Emotions is located at the entrance of the Outpatient Office building of the Bellvitge Hospital, a leading institution in the fight against Covid-19, where an interdisciplinary work has been installed that has been made by artists from the Cultural District of L'Hospitalet. A plaque with the inscription "United in remembrance. Together in the fight" has been installed.

The Garden of Emotions consists of a central sculpture, the work of Alfredo Sánchez, which highlights the values ​​of solidarity, coordination, recognition, commitment and joint work as a formula to face any crisis, even a pandemic. The work stands as an offer to hope - darkness is temporary, light will come - and a promise of liberation for all of society.

The intervention has had the participation of several artists and creators of the L'Hospitalet Cultural District, all of them residents in the Tonal'h creation factory such as the Monkey Fingers, Diego Saldaña, Irene López, Laura Muñoz, Choose Chose and Eduardo Rangel . Their participation has complemented the central sculpture and has facilitated its fitting into the architectural space, creating a dialogue between artistic work, the materials and techniques used, the game of dimensions, the complementary readings and the spatial framework.

The mayor, Núria Marín, explained that "we have called this memory space the Garden of Emotions because this is precisely what it represents: the emotions that awaken the memory of each and every one of the people who are no longer there, and the hope that, as we tirelessly repeat in the toughest moments of the pandemic, 'we will get out'. " And he added "and we will do it, in addition, with many lessons learned. The most important: that we are all necessary. That the only way to face a global emergency such as Covid-19 is by working as a team, united , and putting our knowledge and skills, each one from his field, at the service of society ".

For Dra. Montserrat Figuerola "this space, in a central location and at the same time collected from the hospital, further strengthens our ties with Hospitalet and its people. Passing through here will serve to remember and at the same time to reaffirm the commitment to well-being and health that we all assume. We are especially grateful to the L'Hospitalet City Council for recognizing the professionals of the Bellvitge University Hospital with this artistic installation and its symbolism."


The intervention combines different artistic languages

Conceptually, the design of the sculpture works on the idea of ​​the spiral, with an initial angle that seeks the center, while the turn and the following pieces create a vertical growth that symbolizes a solution of compromise and continuity.

The piece shows how many individuals oriented in the same direction constitutes the necessary force to move forward, so that the exit from Covid-19 can only be collective. In the installation of the sculpture the existing vegetation in the space has been worked as well as the balance between the different volumes.

Apart from sculpture, other artistic languages ​​have also been used in the intervention: painting and urban furniture design. The concrete structure of the building that frames the space of the intervention has been painted with simple and degraded forms, with a chromaticism in line with the sculpture.

Figures have been created throughout the concrete structure -walls, column, frieze and ceilings- that have been painted in colors such as black and navy blue, which evoke the sky and the union between the earthly world that is born from the earth and the spirit world. The most frequent words and concepts that emerged from Hospitalet's Book of Emotions have also been incorporated into the intervention: "love", "struggle", "commitment" and "hope".

The work closes with the word "Thank you" painted on the outside of the roof. This word is displayed from the rest of the buildings that make up the hospital. This will also allow anyone to enjoy this tribute thanks to the Google Maps application, since it can be seen from the sky. The intervention combines different artistic languages Conceptually, the design of the sculpture works on the idea of ​​the spiral, with an initial angle that seeks the center, while the turn and the following pieces create a vertical growth that symbolizes a solution of compromise and continuity. The piece shows how many individuals oriented in the same direction constitutes the necessary force to move forward, so that the exit from Covid-19 can only be collective. In the installation of the sculpture the existing vegetation in the space has been worked as well as the balance between the different volumes. Apart from sculpture, other artistic languages ​​have also been used in the intervention: painting and urban furniture design. The concrete structure of the building that frames the space of the intervention has been painted with simple and degraded forms, with a chromaticism in line with the sculpture. Figures have been created throughout the concrete structure -walls, column, frieze and ceilings- that have been painted in colors such as black and navy blue, which evoke the sky and the union between the earthly world that is born from the earth and the spirit world. The most frequent words and concepts that emerged from Hospitalet's Book of Emotions have also been incorporated into the intervention: "love", "struggle", "commitment" and "hope".

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