From Monday 14 February, one visitor will again be allowed in non-covid areas from 13:00 to 15:00.


The improvement of the epidemiological situation during the last few days has allowed receiving one visitor for patients in hospitalisation, critical and semi-critical units in non-Covid areas

Patients in non-Covid areas may receive a visitor each day, Monday to Sunday, between 13:00 and 15:00. In order to guarantee safety measures against SARS-CoV-2, it is recommended that it be the same visitor during a very day. This schedule is also valid for the semi-critical unit.

In the Intensive Care Unit, visiting hours will be from 13:30 to 15:00, although in exceptional cases and by agreement between the medical team and the families, these hours may be more flexible.

In Postoperative Reanimation (POR), visitor access hours will be from 19:00 to 20:00. Exceptionally, at the family's request, extended visiting hours will be allowed for patients holding a CUIDA'm card and minors.

On the other hand, visitor access in the Outpatient Area (Outpatient Consultations), Cabinets and Emergencies will be maintained as before.

As a general rule, access to family members in the Covid area will continue to be denied. Exceptionally, at the family’s request, and after assessment by the care team, a visitor will be allowed access in specific situations such as patients with the CUIDA'm card or minors.

We remind you of the importance for all visitors to maintain safety measures during their stay at the centre, especially with regard to masks, which must be worn correctly at all times, both inside and outside the rooms.

We are grateful for the public understanding and the cooperation of professionals regarding the access restriction, which we were forced to adopt on 27 December in view of the state of the pandemic and in order to guarantee the patients’ and professionals’ safety.

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