The Bellvitge Hospital participates in the Biopol-Granvia Plan Working Table


The South Metropolitan Territorial Management (GTMS) and the Bellvitge University Hospital participated in the first meeting of the working table of the Biopol-Granvia Urban Master Plan of the Hospitalet de Llobregat, which was held on March 17. Dr. Montserrat Figuerola, manager of the South Metropolitan Territorial area, was present at the meeting with Dr Gabriel Capellá, director of IDIBELL, and Tarsi Ferro, director of Quality and Innovation at ICO

In this first meeting of the Working Table, the citizen participatory process was also presented. This process aims to achieve maximum consensus and involvement of the citizens in this strategic project with a supra-municipal scope. The project aims to promote the cluster of activities linked to biomedical research around the Granvia axis.

Both the creation of the table and the participatory process were approved by the Plenary Session of the Hospitalet City Council on June 20, 2021.

The urban approach aims to develop economically the surroundings of IDIBELL, Bellvitge Hospital, ICO, and Barcelona University, to enable the implementation of a cluster of companies linked to biomedicine and health sciences. The urban development entails the transformation and partial burying of the central segment of the Granvia, as well as some of its links. In addition, it will be implemented new green areas and the improvement of the connection of the city with the river environment of the Llobregat.

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