The Bellvitge University Hospital obtains FIS grants for 11 clinical research projects


Up to 11 applications for grants for research projects of the 2021 call of the Health Research Fund (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, FIS) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, submitted by professionals of the Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB) who also are IDIBELL researchers, have been provided. The approved projects represent 50% of all the applications.

This high percentage of projects supported by the funds managed by the Carlos III Institute is almost identical to that achieved in 2020. On this occasion, the approved projects will receive an overall grant of 1,084,605 euros, which represents 70% of the overall amount requested for the projects.

See here an infographic with a summary of the grants awarded to the HUB.

The following projects have been awarded:

- Understanding and modulation of senescent response mechanisms in platinum-induced neuropathy; Jordi Bruna.

- Personalised, integrative and new generation risk assessment for the prevention of recurrent heart failure. Oracle study; Josep Comin.

- Tolerability and safety of 3 short rifamycin-based regimens for the prevention of tuberculosis in renal transplant recipients. Randomised clinical trial; Miguel Santín.

- Shock reduction by multiple bursts of antitachycardia pacing for rapid ventricular tachycardias in implantable cardioverter-defibrillator users; Paolo Dallaglio.

- Deciphering fibrosis progression after renal transplantation: role of cellular senescence and iron deposition; José María Cruzado.

- A global perspective of pneumococcal diseases and resistance in times of Covid-19 pandemic and universal paediatrics vaccination, Carmen Ardanuy.

- Organisational context characteristics associated with the omission of nursing care, intensity of care and clinical outcomes in 11 public hospitals; Jordi Adamuz.

- Search for predictive factors and preventive measures of post-covid-19 interstitial pulmonary sequelae; María Molina.

- Sexually transmitted Mycoplasma genitalium infections: natural history, persistence, related factors and clinical implications; Arkaitz Imaz.

- Utility of BioFire FilmArray (BCiD2) for rapid detection of bloodstream infection in haematological patients with febrile neutropenia; Carlota Gudiol.

- Semi-automated surveillance of surgical infections: moving towards an improved strategy for the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections; Mireia Puig.

As for grants linked to staff recruitment, the results have also been very good. Out of the seven Rio Hortega contracts for the consolidation of clinical research staff, up to five have been awarded to the HUB, meaning an amount of 325,000 euros. The four pre-doctoral contracts (PFSI) requested have been approved (with an endowment of 359,600 euros), as well as the four grants for staff mobility (M-AES) requested (31,165 euros) as well as the only contract for the intensification of research activity in the National Health System requested by the HUB (30,000 euros).

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