Hospitalet City Council expresses its gratitude to the HUB and the city's health authorities for the work carried out during the pandemic

On Tuesday 17 May, the city council invited the city's health authorities to the Palauet de Can Buxeres to express them their gratitude for "the great work carried out since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic". The mayor of the municipality, Núria Marín, and the councillor for Equity and Social Rights, Jesús Husillos, personally thanked the health officials and their teams for the "great dedication and effort over the last two years".

Representing Bellvitge University Hospital at the event was Dr Montserrat Figuerola, manager of the centre and of the ICS’s Southern Metropolitan Area. In addition to the HUB, the event recognised the work of the following health administrations: CatSalut, Institut Català de la Salut, Consorci Sanitari Integral, Hospital Moisès Broggi, San Joan de Déu Hospital, Agència de Salut Pública, Epidemiological Surveillance Service, health delegates in the nursary homes, Medical Emergency System (SEM), Primary Care Service (SAP) Delta del Llobregat, as well as the municipal managers of the Department of Equity and Social Rights of the City Council.

The mayor stressed, "The pandemic has highlighted the importance of our health model and we must continue working to consolidate a model of effective and accessible health services, where wellbeing, equal opportunities, population needs and research mark the day-to-day running of public services, putting people at the centre of everything".

The Hospitalet councillor for Equity and Social Rights, Jesús Husillos, highlighted the work carried on by "the management staff, which made it possible, for instance, to provide coverage in nursery homes; to organise, overnight, a field hospital in the Sergio Manzano sports centre in Bellvitge, or to carry out mass screenings in every single neighbourhood."

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