Eduard Castells, promoter of the implantation of artificial hearts in Spain, has died at the age of 80


El Dr. Eduard Castells Cuch, cap del Servei de Cirurgia Cardíaca de l'Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge entre els anys 1988 i el 2020, ha mort aquest 22 de febrer a Barcelona als 80 anys d'edat.

Eduard Castells has been linked to our center since its inception, first as head of clinic and, since 1988, as head of service. His career was crucial in marking the Cardiac Surgery Service with an indelible mark of effort, responsibility and scientific rigor.

He is well known for his contribution to the introduction and deployment in our country of pioneering procedures such as coronary revascularization techniques or conservative mitral valve surgery. It should also be noted that without its disciplined and tenacious action, the Hospital would probably not have a heart transplant program, nor would it be a leader in the state in the implementation of mechanical ventricular assist devices. In 2007, he led the implementation of the first artificial heart in Spain at the Bellvitge University Hospital.

In all these fields he had a significant performance that positioned the Cardiac Surgery Service of the Bellvitge University Hospital with an innovative profile within the framework of the State.

He also combined this outstanding care and research activity with teaching as an associate professor of Surgery at the University of Barcelona.
