Five awards announced for scientific publications in the field of the UB-HUB Chair in Robotic Surgery ABEX


Within the framework of the UB - HUB Chair, attached to the Bellvitge Campus of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Barcelona, 5 awards are announced for scientific publications. Its aim is to give visibility and promote the best research work in robotic surgery.

The UB-HUB Chair in Robotic Surgery ABEX, with the aim of rewarding the efforts of surgical teams in learning and research, as well as establishing and consolidating links with other hospitals, has announced five awards for the best publications on robotic surgery in the following five specialties: General and Digestive System Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Gynaecology, Otorhinolaryngology and Urology.

Researchers who submit papers on robotic surgery that will have been published during the years 2020 and 2021 in national and international journals with impact factor are eligible for these awards. The papers must be signed by Spanish or international research groups, provided that the first signatory is affiliated with a Spanish group.

Five prizes will be awarded, one for each speciality for an amount of 600 euros each. The evaluation committee for the prizes will be made up of the chair's monitoring committee.

Applications can be submitted at the UB until 15 July 2022. For more information, please consult the terms and conditions.

About the UB-HUB Chair in Robotic Surgery ABEX

The HUB is the leading hospital in robotic surgery in Catalonia, with approximately 700 operations planned for 2022 with its three Da Vinci robots. With the vision of revolutionising the implementation of robotic surgery by promoting innovation, teaching and research to achieve excellent care, the UB - HUB Chair in Robotic Surgery Abex was created in 2021, and is the only one currently active in Spain. Specifically, the UB-HUB Chair, attached to the Bellvitge Campus of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Barcelona, is of a transversal nature. It promotes training mainly in five specialties, both in oncological and non-oncological pathology: digestive, thoracic, gynaecological, urological and otorhinolaryngological robotic surgery. Under the direction of Dr Ricard Ramos, the chair is made up of a team of surgeons specialised in robotic surgery, and uses the facilities of the HUB's Surgical Block, as well as those of the Advanced Medical and Surgical Simulation Centre (SimHUB). In addition to preparing current and future specialists in robotic surgery through teaching programmes and contributing to improving the treated patients' quality of life, networks are established with universities and national and international hospitals with a high reputation and activity in robotic surgery.

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