Bellvitge University Hospital was once again the leader in 2020 in long-term ventricular assistances in Spain


In 2020, Bellvitge University Hospital was once again the centre in Spain to implant the highest number of long-term mechanical ventricular assist devices, according to the results presented by specialists from this hospital this September at the annual meeting of the Heart Failure Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology

During 2020, 8 long-duration ventricular assist devices were implanted in Bellvitge (5 Heartmate-3, 2 HVAD and 1 Excor), thus equalling the highest number achieved in two previous years by this centre despite the difficulties experienced during 2020 due to the pandemic.

3 women and 5 men between 40 and 63 years of age were the implant receptors. 5 of them got a temporary implant while awaiting a heart transplant and the other 3 got them as a definitive therapy.

The results of the surgeries are excellent as well. The continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices implanted so far at Bellvitge have achieved an overall survival rate of over 80% at 24 months, which places this hospital on a par with the major centres in the United States and at a higher level than many European centres.

Since 2007, when the first long-term mechanical assistance was implanted in Spain, the Bellvitge Hospital has placed as much as 46 of these heart pumps that replace the function of the left ventricle in patients with severe heart failure, obtaining very good results.

It is also a reference centre for the implementation of short-term assistance, such as ECMO, which makes it possible to control the heart failure of certain critical patients for a short period until their condition is stabilised.