Multisensory Boxes for Critical Patients

A paradigm shift in Intensive Care Unit care

Through the recreation of different scenarios, any box within Bellvitge Hospital's ICU can be transformed into a forest, the sea, a vessel, a serene nightlife, or even display personal travel photos and memories. Under the Critic-ContAs project, all 64 ICU boxes have been reimagined with the incorporation of sensory elements (lights, projections, sounds, vibrations), aimed at achieving both functional and cognitive rehabilitation of the patient.


Innovació HUB
  • To achieve the functional and cognitive rehabilitation of the ICU patient in the ICU, initiating early treatment aimed at recovering, as much as possible, the patient's condition prior to admission
  • Prevent the deterioration of the critical patient derived from the disease process, as well as delirium, subjective pain, post-traumatic stress and sensory deprivation
  • Implement protocolised cognitive stimulation techniques to work on different functions such as perception, orientation, reasoning, memory and spatial and temporal orientation
  • Apply multisensory stimulation techniques to aggressive and frequent procedures typical of the ICU (insertion of catheters or drains, treatments or care)


Innovació HUB

The Humanised ICU at HUB emerges from innovating on the concept of the "closed ICU", which was traditionally perceived as a cold and hostile space with very restrictive regulations, prioritising physiological needs in order to preserve patients' lives.

This project signifies a paradigm shift, committing to a more open, friendly and comfortable ICU for patients, relatives and professionals. In addition to attending to vital functions, the project also focuses on addressing the emotional, social, and overall adaptation of the patients to their daily lives. The repercussions of hospitalisation are managed both for the patient and their family ties, with multidisciplinary work by the medical team, nurses, physiotherapy professionals, occupational therapy and psychology.

Proposta de valor

Innovació HUB
  • An integrated solution with digital resources to:

 o  Maintain patient connection with their environment

 o  Offer more personalised care to the patient and their relatives

 o  Improve the hospital stay experience Increase efficiency in the use of health system resources

 o  Analysis of processes, drafting and implementation of protocols for the integration of multisensory stimulation technology with occupational therapy

  • Analysis of processes, drafting and implementation of protocols for the integration of multisensory stimulation technology with occupational therapy

The project in numbers

boxes transformed
patients/year approx. in the ICU
of patients develop post-ICU syndrome
day average hospital stay

The technological platform

Box Sensorial HUB

The project has a software system that coordinates and synchronises the somatosensory stimulation of the patient, as well as digital tablets, computers, a synchronised LED lighting system, a synchronised vibroacoustic stimulation system and TV screens.


logos Generalitat - UE

This project has received funding from the Catalonia ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020.

Project team

Cap de secció del Servei de Medicina Intensiva
Adjunt a la Direcció d’Infermeria

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