A well-deserved award for the IRCUs


The essential work of the Intermediate Respiratory Care Units (IRCUs) such as the Bellvitge University Hospital’s (HUB) during the pandemic was recognised with an honorary award at the 55th Congress of the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR), which took place in Pamplona from 2 to 4 June.

It was a way of publicising the involvement of pulmonology physicians, as well as respiratory nurses and physiotherapists working in these areas. The IRCUs have responded to patients with severe respiratory failure associated with acute COVID-19 infection who have required advanced non-invasive respiratory support, helping to optimise limited Intensive Care Unit (ICU) resources.

In this way, the heads of the hospitals in each territory received this honorary award. Dr Salud Santos, head of the Pneumology Service, was in charge of collecting the distinction corresponding to Bellvitge University Hospital.

Due to the IRCUs’ fundamental role, SEPAR has decided to keep ongoing the UCRI Area programme at least for another year.

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