Visits schedule


The gradual improvement in the epidemiological situation in recent days has allowed a companion to regain access during admission to Hospitalization, Critics and Semi-Critics Units in non-covid areas.

Patients admitted to non-covid areas will be able to receive a companion every day, from Monday to Friday, between 1pm and 9pm, and from 9am to 9pm on Saturday, Sunday and free days. In order to guarantee the protection measures against SARS-CoV-2, it is recommended that you be the same companion every day. This schedule will also be valid for the Semicritical Unit. In the covid area, a companion will be allowed access using a FFP2 mask.

In the Intensive Care Unit, visiting hours will be from 1.30 pm to 3 pm and from 8pm to 9pm, although in exceptional cases and in an agreed manner between the medical team and the families, this schedule may be made more flexible.

In Post-Surgical Resuscitation (RPQ), the family / companion will be open from 7 to 8 p.m.

Exceptionally, at the request of the family, it will be possible to extend the visit time in the case of patients with the CUIDA’m card and minors.

On the other hand, the access of a companion to the Outpatient Area (External Consultations), Cabinets and Emergencies will be maintained as before.

We remind you that it is important for all visitors to maintain the security measures during their stay in the center, especially with regard to the mask, which must be properly worn at all times, both outside and inside the rooms.

  • Contact telephone numbers: for Hospitalization patients in the Main Building, the contact telephone number is 932607575, and for patients in the Delta Building, it is 932607395.

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