Bellvitge University Hospital hosts the 4th National Forum of Cardiology Residents

On 22 and 23 April, the 4th edition of the National Forum of Cardiology Residents was held at Bellvitge University Hospital on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the hospital. This scientific forum is a commitment to the continuous training of professionals, especially the cardiologists of the future.

The forum tours around several hospitals in Spain so that residents can visit the facilities and learn the functioning of the cardiology services of each of the centres. Specifically, in 2022 it has been organised in Bellvitge, under the scientific direction of Dr Josep Comin, head of the Cardiology Service of the HUB and director of the BIO-HEART Research Group in Cardiovascular Diseases of IDIBELL. The group of residents has toured the Care Units of the Heart Area of the HUB to learn about the technologies, operation and ongoing innovation projects, which are elements to enrich their training as cardiologists.

The 4th National Forum of Cardiology Residents has been organised with the copperations of AstraZeneca with the HUB and IDIBELL and has had the participation of about seventy cardiology residents from hospitals from different Spanish autonomous regions.

As for the scientific forum’s training content, relevant cardiology topics, such as ischemic heart disease and heart failure, as well as new protocols and new therapies, have been selected.

Specifically, in the ischaemic heart disease module, clinical cases were presented on acute myocardial infarction with ST elevation (STEMI), acute coronary syndrome with ST elevation (STEACS) and post-myocardial infarction. With regard to heart failure, in addition to an update on its management, a clinical case of recent admission and another with comorbidities were presented.

According to Dr Comin, scientific director of the forum, "this conference is a unique opportunity for our hospital because it allows us to reinforce our commitment to training new talent by welcoming residents from all over Spain". Organising the National Resident Forum also positions the HUB as a centre of reference in training and education in all areas of cardiology and highlights the excellence of the Heart Disease Area. The conference closed with a guided tour of the hospital's new Medical-Surgical Simulation Centre (SimHUB).

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