The Bellvitge Hospital and the Bellvitge Biosanitary Cluster at the informative breakfast "Fòrum Europa – Tribuna Catalunya” with the Mayoress of L'Hospitalet


The manager of the ICS’s Southern Metropolitan Area, Dr Montserrat Figuerola, has introduced this Thursday 7 April the mayoress of L'Hospitalet, Núria Marín, as the main speaker of a new session of this informative breakfast cycle. Dr Figuerola presented the shared project of the Bellvitge Biosanitary Cluster (Bellvitge University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences from UB’s Bellvitge Campus, Catalan Institute of Oncology, IDIBELL Research Foundation and Sant Joan de Déu Hospital)

"As Smart Health Community we are a public services reality and we committed to innovation, research, training and knowledge development. We promote a transformation oriented towards the generation of value, with a commitment to knowledge alliances and the promotion of public-private collaboration", explained Dr Figuerola about the Cluster project.

The Dr also acknowledged the cooperation of the City Council of L'Hospitalet throughout the pandemic as well as its support to the institutional campaign of the Bellvitge Hospital’s 50th anniversary.

The mayor insisted that the Bellvitge Biomedical Cluster will become a "new economic engine for L'Hospitalet and the metropolitan area". "We want to complete the third great transformation of L'Hospitalet", said Marín in her speech. This transformation, according to the mayoress, will consist of "reorganising the territory, making it more sustainable and defining biomedicine as a strategic sector in order to generate economy."

In fact, the Biopol Granvia plan will create 528,000 m2 of green spaces. The urban planning aims at the economic development of the service and knowledge environment of the Bellvitge Biocluster to enable a new ecosystem with the presence of companies focused on biomedicine and health sciences.

In her speech, the mayoress highlighted the value of the Bellvitge University Hospital as "the largest company in L'Hospitalet, with 5,200 staff in the field of knowledge". She also had words of recognition for this institution’s 50th anniversary and, especially, for its service excellence and the role of its staff throughout the pandemic.

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