Bellvitge Hospital will host the 22nd Conference of the Societat Catalana de Qualitat Asistencial (Catalan Society for Quality of Care)


The Catalan Society for Healthcare Quality (SCQA) joins the Bellvitge University Hospital’s (HUB) 50th anniversary celebration by sharing with the Southern Metropolitan Territorial Management of the ICS the organisation of its annual conference. This will take place on Thursday 9 June in the Assembly Hall of the HUB. Under the theme of “Innovating by adding Quality to Care”, knowledge will be shared on innovative projects already underway. The participants will also reflect on the this field in order to set new goals. The conference is open to scientific papers on the subject, which will be eligible for a prize

Aimed at healthcare professionals, students and residents, the 2022 conference will be a space for reflection and innovative proposals. The interventions planned in the programme will emphasise health outcomes, the benefits for patients and the improvement of the healthcare system, which is in the midst of transformation. Registration for the conference is now open.

Oriol Broggi i Rull, one of the leading names in contemporary Catalan theatre and an innovator in the staging of classics, will open the conference with the lecture “Looking at life as if from the stage”.

Next, the round table “Innovation: a challenge and an opportunity in the quality of care” will focus on the implementation and lessons learned from success stories in this field from the Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu, Fundació Hospital d’Olot i Comarcal de la Garrotxa, Consorci Sanitari Integral, the HUB and the South Metropolitan Primary Care.

The five abstracts with the highest scores awarded by the Scientific Committee of the conference will be presented in a round table. There will be a first prize (awarded by the jury) and a second prize (voted by the attendees). The other highest scoring abstracts will be presented in poster format. The deadline for submission is Friday 8 April 2022.

The Catalan Society for Quality of Care
The organisation was founded in 1997 by a group of professionals interested in having a forum for knowledge and scientific debate to improve the quality of health and social and healthcare services in Catalonia. Its purpose is to help healthcare organisations on the road to excellence in both care and management.

In order to achieve its mission and vision, the SCQA organises scientific activities, such as its annual conference, and promotes debate on relevant topics in the field of healthcare quality, such as process management, patient experience and safety, and innovation, among others.

Consult the full program
Conference website


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