The Bellvitge HIV and STI Unit takes part in an international update webinar on HIV/AIDS


The HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections Unit (STI) of the Infectious Diseases Service of the Bellvitge Hospital has a prominent participation in the webinar "HIV from A to Z. Training the new generation of HIV Physicians", an international course organized by the Fight AIDS and Infectious Diseases Foundation with leading experts from Europe, the United States, Argentina, Israel and Australia.

Dr. Daniel Podzamczer, coordinator of the HIV and STI Unit, is one of the four members of the scientific committee. Dr. Podzamczer, Dr. Juan Tiraboschi and Dr. Arkaitz Imaz are also among the lecturers.

HIV infection is a constant evolving field in infectious diseases that requires physicians to undertake efforts to keep up to date with science to remain knowledgeable with new developments. This program offers a complete update in HIV/AIDS science, from basics to epidemiology and clinical grounds.

The webinar is available from February 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022 and registration is free. See more information here.