Train with us

We are linked to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Bellvitge Campus, at the University of Barcelona.

We are a teaching hospital, which allows us to:

  • Streamline the hospital
  • Encourage continuous improvement of healthcare quality
  • Promote research and innovation

  • The training stays are aimed at specialists from Spain or abroad who are working in Spanish health centres. The aim is that these people can learn, in a limited period of time, how a Hospital process, unit or service works and acquire, increase or improve certain skills. They are considered professional training and retraining activities.
  • Training stays for foreigners are carried out in teaching units that are accredited for the training of specialists and cannot be taken into account to obtain the Spanish specialist degree or to make foreign degrees equivalent to this Spanish degree.
  • During the training stays, there can be no employment relationship with the health centre. They are temporary for a maximum period of six months, which are exceptionally extendable for another six months by express and substantiated authorisation based on reasons duly justified by the teaching committee of the health centre where they take place.
  • A new stay for the same person cannot be authorised until five years have elapsed since the end of the previous stay.
  • It must be guaranteed, prior to the start of the training stay, that the person concerned is insured for healthcare and the risks arising from civil liability that may be incurred as a result of the activities carried out.
  • If you are interested in a stay, you need to send an e-mail to the Teaching Committee.
Training stays HUB

Discover the different master's and postgraduate programmes we participate in:

  • Medicine. Master in Advanced Medical Skills 
    • Advanced Thoracoscopic and Robotic Surgery
    • Diagnostic Imaging in Rheumatic Diseases
    • Oncological Gynecology and Multidisciplinary Breast Pathology
    • Neuromuscular Diseases
    • Diagnosis and Interventional Treatment in Coronary Heart Disease
    • Interdisciplinary Oncology (Medical Surgery) (ICO)
  • Others:
Doctorate, Master’s and Postgraduate Degrees. Postgraduate courses HUB

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