Heart Surgery


The HUB Heart Surgery Department was founded in 1974 by Dr Miquel Puig i Massana and his team, formed by a group from the Sant Jordi Surgical Centre with extensive experience dating back to the 60s and one of the ground-breaking centres in heart surgery in the whole of Spain.He headed the department until 1990, when he was replaced by Dr Eduard Castells i Cuch (1990-2007). His successor was Dr Carles Fontanillas i Amell (2007-2013), and the department is now headed by Dr Albert Miralles i Cassina.

The HUB HS Department is a basic reference in the surgical treatment of scheduled and emergency cardiovascular care for patents from Hospitalet, El Prat, El Baix Llobregat Centre-Fontsanta, Baix Llobregat East, Baix Llobregat North, Garraf, Alt Penedès, Anoia. It has also been a reference for the inhabitants of the Camp de Tarragona and Terres de l’Ebre Health Regions until 2014 when the CatSalut Heart Surgery Master Plan was established.

Since 2011, the HS Department has formed part of the Heart Disease Area. This Clinical Area was established as a ground-breaking, state-of-the-art area that is patient-oriented and deals in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases,with healthcare evaluations and control that are in line with current scientific evidence, involving healthcare, education and research to the highest level of efficiency.

Relevant aspects

Assistència Ambulatòria_cirurgia cardiaca_hub
Procediment Normalitzat de Treball

Outpatient Care

  • General medical consultation:
  • First and second conventional consultations with ECG.
  • Pacemaker Consultations:
  • First and second consultations with telemetric programmer control.
Assistència Hospitalària - Quirúrgica_cirurgia cardiaca_hub
Procediment Normalitzat de Treball

Hospital - Surgical Care

  • Coronary surgery with extracorporeal circulation (ECC)
  • Coronary surgery without extracorporeal circulation (ECC)
  • Surgery with mini-extracorporeal circulation (MECC) Ventricular reconstructive surgery (“Restore”)
  • Valve replacement surgery:

-Mechanical prostheses

-Biological stented prostheses

-Biological stentless prostheses

-Biological sutureless prostheses

  • Mitral valve repair surgery
  • Tricuspid valve repair surgery
  • Aortic valve repair surgery
  • Thoracic aorta surgery
  • Acute aortic syndrome surgery
  • Congenitive cardiomyopathy surgery for adults
  • Surgery to repair the mechanical complications of acute myocardial infarction
  • Pericardial and miscellaneous pathologies
  • Minimally invasive valve surgery (video-assisted)
  • Heart transplantation
  • Ventricular assistance:

-Short-term (“ECMO”) and (“Levitronix”)

-Medium-term (“Berlinheart EXCOR”)

-Long-term (“HeartWare”, “HeartMate”, ”Berlinheart INCOR”)

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (“TAVI”):



–Transaxillary Endovascular artery surgery

-Aortic endoprostheses to treat aneurysms, dissection and traumatic aortic rupture

Surgery for cardiac conduction disorders:

-Atrial fibrillation surgery (Radiofrequency):

Monopolar Bipolar Pacemaker implantation:


VVI Bicameral:

VDD, DDD Tricameral: TRC

Defibrillator implantation:




Electrode extraction

Other procedures:

VAC treatment


Master's degrees and accredited courses

No hay resultados


Main Building at Bellvitge University Hospital

c/ Feixa Llarga, sn.

08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona

Hospitalization: Planta 3

Outpatient consultations: Module 12 

Outpatient consultations– Heart pacemaker Clinic: Module 12 

Telephone number 93 260 76 56

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