Guided visit "Cinquanta objectes per a cinquanta anys"

Museu de L'Hospitalet - Can Riera

Visit to the commemorative exhibition of the 50th anniversary of the Museu de l'Hospitalet addressed to the medical staff within the framework of the Recuperart-19 program.

Pre-registration here.

The Catalan Institute of Health (ICS), in collaboration with the Department of Culture, is making a proposal to the health community based on the use of museums as environments for reflection and improvement of emotional well-being.

This is an initiative, a pioneer on an international scale, which is being considered taking into account the particular characteristics of the healthcare community in terms of self-perception of health and the need for self-care. Thus, Recuperart seeks to complement the current offer of psychological and emotional support offered by the ICS, through a community-type activity outside the field of formal care.

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museu hospitalet


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