10 health professionals from the ICS’s South Metropolitan Territorial Management receive a grant from the Talents programme in order to promote research

- Research

The Talents programme grants, promoted by the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation, have materialised the translational research projects by 10 health professionals from Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB), Viladecans Hospital and ICS South Metropolitan Primary Care during 2020 and 2021. This Monday, 4 April, the Talents Day was held at La Pedrera-Casa Milà. At the ceremony, diplomas were awarded in recognition of their research work

The grant award ceremony of the 9th  and 10th Talents programme editions, corresponding to the years 2020 and 2021, was chaired by: Josep M. Argimon (Minister of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya); Yolanda Lejardi (managing director of the Catalan Institute of Health); Dr Montserrat Figuerola (manager of the Southern Metropolitan Area of ICS); Dr Jordi Ara (manager of the Northern Metropolitan Area); Dr Josep M. Campistol (general director of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona); Andrés de Kelety (director of the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO); and, Germán Ramón-Cortés (president of the Board of Trustees of the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation).

A Day to inspire research vocations
Prior to the presentation of diplomas, the third edition of Talents Day was held. The programme was designed to awaken the research vocation among residents and medical students, as well as to give visibility to the projects carried out thanks to the grants.
In addition, Talents Day included two round tables with professionals who have long research careers at the HUB and the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL)
On the one hand, neurophysiologist Dr Monica Povedano (main IDIBELL researcher and head of HUB’s Functional Motor Neuron Unit) participated in the first round table, which was on the medical research before and after the COVID-19. Dr Povedano was also the commencement speaker of the Talents programme 2021 promotion. In her speech, the neurophysiologist highlighted that "Science is excitement", trying and spreading her feelings for research work and thus for complementing the healthcare practice of excellence. 
On the other hand, clinical psychologist Dr Susana Jiménez (IDIBELL researcher and head of the HUB Addiction and Pathological Gambling Unit) participated in the second round table. Which was on androcentric medicine.

Talents at Bellvitge Hospital and the ICS Southern Metropolitan Area
The Talents programme was launched in 2012 with the aim of retaining talent and promoting research projects of young healthcare professionals, so that they carried on with their doctoral thesis while remaining linked to the hospitals’ healthcare.
The Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation's initiative began ten years ago at the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital in Badalona. It was consolidated with the incorporation of the Hospital Clínic and the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO). The HUB joined it in 2020, at the height of the pandemic.
In addition to the post-residency scholarships at the HUB, two professional intensification scholarships have also been awarded to allow the finishing doctoral thesis, as well as grants for two ICS Southern Metropolitan Territorial Management research projects. The goal is to promote multicentre and transversal projects, aimed at fostering coordination, synergies, collaboration and innovation between the several facilities in the area.

Below you can get to know the name of the professionals and research projects awarded Talents Programme grants for 2020 and 2021:

2020 Edition
HUB Talent Grants:

  • Alejandro Roset Rigat. Servicio de Medicina Interna Internal Medicine Service, HUB. Role of troponin in the prognosis of acute heart failure.
  • Roger Barranco Pons. Diagnostic Imaging Service, HUB. Radial access in Interventional Neurology
  • Sergi Codina Sánchez. Nephrology Service. HUB. Raas blockade in renal trasplant with PECS in urine. Randomized clinical trial comparing Valsartan with placebo

Grants for territorial research projects:

  • Mild-moderate respiratory symptoms in patients with long-covid-19: montelukast clinical trial and pnemological characterization (E-SPERANZA): Belén Salvador González (EAP La Florida Sud, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat), Vanesa Vicens-Zygmunt (Pneumology Service. HUB) and Esther López Cadena (Pneumology Service. Viladecans Hospital). 

Edition 2021
HUB Talent Grants:

  • Carlos Ortega Expósito. Gynaecology Service. HUB. ARM: Validation of the surgical technique in breast cancer.
  • Sergi Codina Sánchez (renewal of the grant). Nephrology Service, HUB. Raas blockade in renal trasplant with PECS in urine. Randomized clinical trial comparing Valsartan with placebo.

Grants for territorial research projects:

  • Evolution of hepatic steatosis and fibrosis, inflammatory markers and nutritional status after intervention on lifestyle habits guided by a mobile application for fatty liver disease associated with metabolic dysfunction (EFINMET project)": Martha Lucía González Bárcenas (Digestive System Service. Viladecans Hospital), Juan José Rodríguez Cristóbal (CAP Florida Sud, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat) and José Castellote Alonso (Digestive System Service, Hepatology Unit, HUB).

10 years promoting young talent and fostering research
The Talents programme has reached its 10th edition this year as a successful model for promoting research among young specialist doctors and other healthcare professionals.
Along these 10 years, up to 147 young people have received grants, up to 110 research projects and more than 100 scientific publications linked to them in 27 different medical specialities. The Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation has contributed almost one and a half million euros to the project.

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